As a college student, you’re probably not overly concerned with your health. After all, there are so many new things to experience and worry about. However, your health is now your responsibility. For possibly the first time in your life, mom and dad won’t be there to take you to the doctor or tell you what to eat or when to sleep. Staying healthy as a college student can be a bigger challenge than most students are prepared for, but here are five tips that can make it easier:
- Be familiar with Student Health Services on campus : Most universities will have some type of health services or clinic on campus specifically for students and faculty that offers heavily discounted treatments and basic medications. Know where this is located on campus, what hours they operate and what services they offer so that when you get sick, you don’t waste time trying to find them. Look at their website or go in and see if they’ll allow you to fill out any forms/paperwork early at the start of the semester to, again, save time when you get sick. They may also have some websites or pamphlets you can look at to stay aware of local health issues (disease outbreaks, etc) or common student problems (drinking, drugs, STDS, etc).
- Know your medical history : Knowing your blood type, family medical history and what allergies you have to certain foods, medications or products can go a long way to making your life easier when you have to go to Student Health Services. Instead of wasting time calling home or contacting past doctors, you can answer any questions the campus physicians have immediately and be that much closer to receiving treatment for whatever ails you. It will also help insure that you don’t receive medication or treatment that can make your condition worse due to allergic reactions.
- Own a first aid ki t: You can either purchase a full first aid kit or buy a box and fill it with your own choices. Whichever, your kit should contain the basics – various sizes & shapes of band aids, gauze, alcohol swabs, antibiotic & itch creams, and Aspirin – but you should also have a few more items, such as: an Ace compression bandage, an instant cold pack, cold medicine (including a non-drowsy option), antihistamines (for the new allergens you’ll encounter), Pepto Bismol (or some medicine for gastro/digestion issues), Emergen-C powder, and a thermometer so that you can handle most minor medical issues immediately instead of having to wait for Health Services to open. You should also keep a list of emergency contact numbers in or near your kit for quick and easy access.
- Develop a routine (one that includes regular amounts of sleep & exercise) : Your body needs proper fuel and rest to function properly, and a bag of Funions and an extra-large Mountain Dew do not a good breakfast make. Become familiar with the cafeteria/dining hall on campus – they will often offer healthy options.Sleep and exercise are also important, both because they lead to healthy brain function. It’s a given that, while in college, you’ll probably pull a few all-nighters cramming or partying or finishing that essay because you work so much better “under pressure” (that’s a lie you’ll come to realize isn’t true soon enough). But a constant pattern of sleep-debt can have harmful side effects. It slows down your brain’s ability to process information which may not only harm your grades, but also make it unsafe for you to drive. Certain studies have shown that driving while sleep deprived can be almost as dangerous as driving while intoxicated. It also makes your body work extra hard, which taxes your immune system and makes it easier for you to get sick.Try to work in some physical exercise to your routine. In high school, you were always on the move – 7-8 classes a day, extra-curricular activities, gym class, etc. College is a bit different. You may only have one class every day, for 2-3hrs at a time and time spent sitting reading or studying. You may be required to take phys ed course, but with all the options available (such as Rest and Relaxation – you have to love college, right?), you may not actually be moving that much. Physical movement will not only help your body stay fit, but it can help relieve mental stress and clear your head. Most universities will have some type of fitness center that is open to the general student population during certain hours, but even if you don’t want to work out in a gym, you can simply go for a walk. It will help you learn the campus more. You can also join in intramural sports on campus as a way to get exercise and meet new people.Getting into a routine that covers these three basic health needs means that you don’t have to think about it or find time for it or worry about it. You have a schedule, you have a plan – your body develops the pattern, which makes it easier for you to keep up with these habits.
- Identify Stressors & Get Organized : It’s almost impossible to avoid all stress or plan for everything that might go wrong or change your plans, but some common stresses can be, if not avoided, planned for. For instance, if you know a certain class requires more work, you can arrange to do that work first/early so as not to feel rushed later on. If you know a certain student in one of your classes annoys you and makes it hard to concentrate, you can arrange to get to class earlier or later than they do to avoid sitting near them. Those little steps can go a long way in avoiding or lessening stress loads without too much effort. Another way to avoid stress is to get organized. Learn your class schedule and know when assignments are due. Know where your books are so you don’t have to search for them before class. Know where your homework is so there’s no panic when it’s time to submit it. Put your dorm room/car keys in the same spot every time (either in your bookbag or dorm room) so that you’re less likely to lse them. Learning a few organizational skills will help keep you from being too stressed.

Keeping healthy will make it easier for you to concentrate on all those new experiences you want to remember as a college freshman. It will also help you deal with the expected side effects of being off in a new place, alone and away from family for the first time – homesickness and depression. If you’re already healthy, you can realize when your body is having negative reactions to these problems and deal with them quickly, either by talking with friends or even going to see the counselors/mental health services available for free at most universities. Your college years should be a time of learning and exploration – make sure you stay healthy enough to remember and enjoy them.