More adults than ever before are returning to college after years of being in the workforce. It seems harder and harder to locate a good job with only a high school degree and years of experience under your belt. Along with this shift in our societal view of what “education” means, the unpredictable economy has made it almost a necessity to reconsider our careers.
So, you’ve taken the plunge. What next? You knew it wouldn’t be easy to balance all of your responsibilities, but there are ways to make your life run more smoothly. Here are my top three must-do’s for the adult learner. I know that of which I speak…I went back to school again a few years ago after being out for more years than I will admit here. All of these are things I wish I would have done more of!
Shift Your Perspective
It’s human nature to get totally wrapped up in our version of “reality,” and it can be a good thing sometimes to be that focused on a goal. But much of the time, it only serves to make us stressed out and miserable. So, when you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, stop and ask yourself what the most important thing is. Are you spending the most focused time & energy on the things that really matter to you, that will still be there when college is a distant memory? What is your priority? Must the garden be weeded today? What will really happen if you don’t ace every single exam? Can the kitchen be mopped later? When your to-do list is as long as your arm, and you feel like crying, stop, take a deep breath and remember why you returned to school in the first place. << Read More