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Machine Learning lecture series on videolecture.net

Our machine learning group organizes a series called the Advanced Tutorial Lecture Series on Machine Learning where we get to see some amazing researchers talk about recent developments in Machine Learning. Karsten, a postdoc in our group has been so kind to film all lectures and slowly but surely these videos are finding their way onto videolectures.net.

Currently on videolectures.net are videos on:

  • Applications of Group Theory to Machine Learning by Risi Kondor; this math heavy lecture was cool in that Risi explained how tools from abstract algebra and harmonic analysis can be used in Machine Learning too,
  • Spectral Clustering by Arik Azran; our local spectral methods expert shared his insight into how spectral methods work.
Coming up soon is a lecture by David MacKay on error correcting codes and how they can be decoded using local message passing algorithms. David is a very good speaker and his lecture is certainly in my top 5 of excellent machine learning talks.

Idea, Info, Machine Learning, and more:

Machine Learning lecture series on videolecture.net + research