Based on the 1978 novel of the same name, Darren Aronofsky’s follow up to his debut feature Pi is a dark and distressing tale about the perils of addiction, and is undoubtedly one of the most visually and aurally distinctive movies of the early twenty first century. Requiem for a Dream follows four Coney Islanders – Harry, his girlfriend Marion, best friend Tyrone and mother Sara – over three seasons – summer, fall and winter – as they attempt to live with their addictions before finally being overwhelmed by the unforeseen yet inevitable consequences of their decisions. Dealing with themes of desperation, delusion, selfishness and human weakness, Requiem for a Dream is at times unflinchingly bleak - it’s nighmarish depiction of the horrors of drug use will put you on the straight and narrow faster than any afterschool special. In all honesty, it may well be one of the most depressing movies ever made. It is also one of the best.
Hello, Science! + Movie Review
Requiem for a Dream