College internships are a fabulous way to gain pre-professional experience so that you are more marketable once you have that diploma in your hand. And while it is true that some are unpaid, college internships should be seen as a smart way of investing in your future. You can also locate ones that pay you while you gain real-world experience in your chosen field. But how do you find these great opportunities? Start with this list of places to search.
Network with professors Professors often have connections with businesses and organizations that students don’t know about. Whether they sit on a board or stay connected with colleagues in business, college professors often hear first about organizations that are trying to locate cream-of-the-crop students who will jump at the chance to gain experience. If you can get a professor’s recommendation for being an up-and-comer, you just may have a great shot at getting that internship. Careers are frequently made through networking, so it is never too soon to start!
Connect with Career Services Every college campus has a Career Services department that offers students current information on all types of opportunities. You may not have taken advantage of the services they have to offer if you aren’t yet thinking about graduation, but it is definitely worth the time to head over to their offices to see what internships they have information on. They will be in touch with many local businesses and organizations that are looking for students to groom for future positions. Don’t wait until a month before you graduate to take advantage of all your Career Services can do for you.
Watch for informational meetings College departments regularly hold informational meetings for their students on various opportunities, including study abroad, employment and internships. This is another great way to hear about college internships before anyone else. Keep an eye on your department’s bulletin boards and your email inbox and plan to attend any department-wide functions that will keep you in the loop regarding upcoming internships and other prospects.
Check out big company websites Companies such as Disney and BP have large college student programs and are always on the lookout for new talent. Who are the major companies or employers in your field? Periodically check their websites to learn when they have upcoming opportunities listed in your area of interest. These large companies have revolving offers and many spots to fill, so keeping a watch on their websites is a good way to make sure that you don’t miss out.
Search the net Just like everything else you can think of, the Internet has increased the information available forcollege internships. There are now several sites that are depositories for current internship positions. Search their databases weekly, or even more frequently, to see what is available in your location and field of study. Once you find something of interest to you, the site will give you the information you need to contact the company to learn more and to apply.
Take the opportunity to discover what is right for you. Before you land your first job, take the opportunity to gain access into the insider’s view of various job positions and geographical locations that you think you might enjoy. Find out if the stimulating aspects of the job that your degree program is preparing you for are really what you want to do for the next few years. Or, consider applying for internships that are in an area of the country that you believe you would like to live in. Internships are short-term, so they are a great way to discover if what you are planning on for your future will really make you happy.
Hello, Science! + For Students
Tips for Finding Awesome College Internships