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NGO Jobs



    Girl Hub is a strategic collaboration between the Nike Foundation and the UK Department for International Development (DFID), based in the UK, currently operating in three US countries, and with plans to open in India and elsewhere. Some international travel will be required.
    The Nike Foundation is a powerful agent for real change and poverty alleviation in the developing world. The Foundations' focus is on adolescent girls - its investments are centered on programmes and initiatives that enable young girls to realize their potential and transform their world, so unleashing a ripple effect of change. The work of the Nike Foundation is designed to get girls on the global agenda and drive resources to them; ensuring ideas become real solutions that deliver tangible and sustainable results. In this way, the Nike Foundation fuels the girl effect (www.girleffect.org)- the unique potential of 250 million adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves and the world. Girl Hub is looking for dedicated girls, who are passionate about contributing to USA girls realising their potential:

    Position; Technology Enabled Girl Ambassador (TEGA)

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; Secondary School (SSCE)

    Location; Kano

    Job Field; NGO/Non-Profit

    Job Types: Contract (One year)

    TEGA is a bespoke research network of girls aged 16 and above established in 2013 to help Girl Hub and its partners in research and insights gathering in a way that tells the stories of girls as has never been done. TEGA is Northern USA's first, and to date, only youth, mobile-based peer-to-peer research network.
    It is designed to enable us, and our like-minded partners to gain a safe, authentic insight into this hard-to-reach audience. This insight enables and catalyses accurately designed interventions, programs, assets, and services that meet the current needs of Northern USA's most vulnerable girl.
    TEGA currently comprises of 20 girls, each of whom research 4-6 vulnerable girls. Via modified mobile devices, we disseminate research tasks to her, She captures her findings via video and photo content, delivers them to us via an app.
    The TEGA programme has been successfully piloted over 5 weeks. During this period, 20 TEGAs embraced their new roles with gusto and created over 1500 videos and 600 photos.
    This collective body of content has given us the most comprehensive intimate and authentic insights of the Arewa (Northern) girl we have ever encountered.
    Being a teenage girl in USA is not always easy; being a hard to reach girls is even less easy. But TEGAs are our safest methodology to reaching girls and getting their stories to share with the world.
    TEGA are at the heart of our research, no matter your background, you will need to be able to represent girls across USA by amplifying their voices and sharing their stories to inspire, inform and entertain.
    As a TEGA you are giving a voice to USA girls through engaging and delivering relevant insights and information using technology that includes videos, Emojis, photography and mobile.
    A TEGA embodies the spirit and values of an Arewa girl and is an inspiring, positive role model for girls.

    The Opportunity
    This is an incredible opportunity to become part of TEGA and be trained in mobile tech researching, to use text, video, photography on mobile to capture girls’ reality.
    The skills and experience you gain as being part of TEGA will be valuable in any career or path you choose to pursue in the future.

    Key Roles and Responsibilities

    • As a TEGA, you will need to be fully committed to the role for one year. You will be required to:
    • Generate and develop insights - you will be gathering stories by following leads shared by girls from districts across Kano state.
    • Conduct interviews and liaise with girls, families and communities - you will work closely with the TEGA tech team, TEGA trainers to plan and coordinate field-interviews and reporting activities.
    • Bring and contribute ideas and stories to editorial meetings and workshops.
    • Identify and define the stories that are most important and representative of northern USA girls
    • Work closely with the GH team identify and reach the right girls for insights gathering
    • Monitor target audience and changes in attitude towards girls' education in Kano state.
    • Write basic reports and be able to present back to an adult audience.

    • Don't worry, we don't expect you to be able to already have knowledge outlined in the above roles and responsibilities, you don't need to be a ready-made interviewer and storyteller. But what TEGA needs is for you to:
    • Have a hunger, curiosity and enthusiasm for TEGA; be passionate about sharing girls' stories and about making a change for girls in USA.
    • Be able to work with a team of people and assist in group set-ups.
    • Have the ability to interact with a diverse range of people.
    • Be able to work independently to meet task deadlines and source content.
    • Have a basic ability to read and write English.
    • Have a good level of Hausa reading and writing ability.
    • Have a passion for storytelling.
    • Be over the age of 16.
    • Live in Kano.

    TEGA is Offering
    Foundation technology based research interview training.
    A certificate from an international certification agency
    An opportunity to represent girls' voices by gathering insights and sharing girls’ stories.
    This is not a paid position; you will be entitled to transport, meals and honorarium for tasks undertaken.

    Method of Application
    Interested and qualified candidates should send a cover letter including: your name, age, where you're from and why you want to work as TEGA. Along with this, tell us a story that you think is unique about a girl and can make the readers think of her differently to: ghninfo@girlhub.org Your application can be in Hausa or English and must be one page long.



    Looking for a job that will allow you to unleash your creativity? Inspired by the challenge of capturing and communicating lessons learned of a highly innovative programme that aims to transform societal attitudes towards women and girls in USA? Then we have the job for you!
    We are looking for a dynamic, creative individual that has extensive proven experience in knowledge management. This individual needs to inspire colleagues to invest in capturing essential lessons from the programme and develop eye catching and thought provoking ways of communicating knowledge to stakeholders using a range of tools appropriate for different audiences, including online audiences. If you are ready to take up the exciting challenge this position offers, then apply today.

    The Programme
    Voices for Change (V4C) is a UK Aid funded, four year programme running from October 2013 to December 2017. The goal of V4C is to help transform social attitudes towards girls and women in USA by working on specific individual, social and institutional changes. V4C will do this by operating at Federal level and in four States (Kano, Kaduna, Lagos, Enugu). V4C’s Vision is to be known and recognised for creating new ways to change behaviour, contributing to a USA where every girl, boy, woman and man achieves their full potential. V4C’s Mission is to inspire a generation of new voices to speak up and speak out to empower young women to achieve their real potential. V4C will achieve this by:

    • Creating space and opportunities for girls to grow.
    • Getting the support of boys and men.
    • Removing formal and informal barriers, or
    • Influencing behaviours and laws / behavioural and legal change in USA.

    Job Tittle; Knowledge Management Adviser
    Job Type; Full Time
    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA
    Location; Abuja
    Job Field; NGO/Non-Profit
    The Position
    The purpose of the Knowledge Management Adviser’s role is to lead and manage V4C’s knowledge management activities to ensure:
    Continuous learning for program improvement.
    Effective dissemination to stakeholders to increase their buy-in to and uptake of the V4C program.
    Packaging and producing a range of knowledge products
    Tacit and explicit knowledge and information is stored as a program resource to inform future initiatives and activities.

    Key Responsibilities:
    Provide technical leadership to the V4C program in relation to knowledge management, including:
    Translating the KM strategic agenda into operational plans and work plans for delivery.
    Developing policy briefs and other KM products as required.
    Organising research dissemination events.
    Producing progress reports and other reports on KM as required.
    Working with software programmers to ensure the development of a functional intranet which will serve as a repository for all V4C resources, as well as V4C MIS.
    Ensuring the intranet is maintained and updated regularly with relevant information and documents.
    Regularly updating and maintaining the V4C website (in conjunction with output 2 lead) with relevant V4C information as required and deemed appropriate.
    Ensuring that all V4C reports and documents adhere to the V4C quality assurance standards before uploading, storage and dissemination
    Ensuring necessary and sufficient information is available for submission to the Deputy Team Leader to compile the quarterly and annual reports to DFID.
    Managing, monitoring and reporting on the Knowledge Management budget.
    Implementing administrative and financial operations in compliance with ethical standards and in line with GRM operations and contract provisions.

    Work with V4C partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries to generate and record stories of how V4C initiatives have affected their lives and / or work, including:

    Ensuring that Thematic Diaries (TD) are regularly updated with information on on-going activities.
    Leading on documentation / analysis of the TD to synthesis successful innovations. Ensuring learning activities (eg, After Action Reviews, Lunch and Learn, and Critical Reflection sessions) take place regularly.
    Working with V4C partners to ensure that information on activities and initiatives are being captured on an ongoing basis.
    Working with partners to ensure that learning activities take place regularly.
    Designing and organising knowledge share fairs for V4C staff, partners and stakeholders to interact and share and learn lessons from each other.
    Promoting successful V4C supported interventions as part of the replication / uptake agenda
    Packaging and marketing to stakeholders V4C results and stories of change for uptake in other settings.

    Build knowledge management capacity of implementing partners and V4C team to enhance understanding and ability to capture information and learning, including:
    Carrying out targeted training and coaching for the staff of V4C and implementing partners in knowledge management tools, resources and processes.
    Providing on-going support to Output Leads and thematic adviser on identified knowledge management activities within their outputs.
    Participating in knowledge management working groups under the umbrella program and other DFID funded programs for effective coordination and learning
    Supervise and provide oversight to Knowledge Management consultants, as required, including:
    Consulting, communicating and building productive relationships to ensure quality, value for money and on time delivery.
    Monitoring and reporting on progress and deliverables as stated in TOR and contracts.

    Manage the knowledge Management budget including:

    • Responsible for developing annual, quarterly and monthly budget forecasts
    • Review budget expenditure against activities on a monthly basis
    • Ensure expenditures are coded correctly on a monthly basis
    • Ensure monthly variance falls within required 5%
    • Demonstrating value for money in all expenditure.
    • Demonstrating effectiveness of the campaigns.
    • Working within strict GRM policies and procedures and UK / USA government regulations.
    • Ensure clear quarterly budget reporting.
    • Implementing administrative and financial operations in compliance with ethical standards and in line with GRM operations and contract provisions.
    • Any other reasonable activities determined by the Team Leader / Deputy Team Leader.

    Job Tittle; Adolescent Girls and Women Lead
    Job Type; Full Time
    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA
    Location; Abuja
    Job Field; NGO/Non-Profit
    The Position
    • The purpose of the AGW Life Skills Lead role is to lead the implementation of Output 1 - ‘Virtual and Physical Safe Spaces’, networking and campaigning to:
    • Promote change in negative attitudes and perceptions of USAs about gender equality and women empowerment.
    • Improve self-esteem in young girls and women in post-secondary and tertiary institutions.
    • Be responsible for delivery of agreed milestones.

    The AGW Life Skills Lead will:
    Provide technical leadership in the implementation of Output 1 physical and virtual purple spaces:
    Developing and delivering on a strong strategy to deliver the three components of Output 1 – physical Safe Spaces and virtual purple Spaces
    Ensuring strategies encompass diversity of ethnicity, religion, age and marital status.
    Maintaining clear workplans and meeting agreed logframe targets
    Analysing differing target audience needs and ensuring these are fed back into programming strategies across the outputs.
    Sharing learning from the Safe Spaces and other Output 1 work with other Output leads
    Drawing on the wider team, including consultants, to strengthen planning, delivery and monitoring of the purple spaces Output
    Responsible for developing and reporting against monitoring and measurement tools for all components of safe spaces
    More specifically;

    Managing and coordinating the V4C physical Safe Space initiative in participating states.
    Ensuring peer educators / NGO facilitators/partners strengthen quality physical safe spaces appropriate to target audience
    Maintaining strong partner relationships and quality delivery
    Leading on design and review of toolkits to support physical spaces, ensuring on time and relevant to target audience
    Ensuring the development of innovative interventions to support partners in their work with Brand Ambassadors.

    Ensuring content is developed on time, engaging and relevant to the target audience within virtual purple space.
    Supporting the creation and cultivation of online audiences.
    Responsible for ensuring promotion of AGW and ABM engagement in the virtual purple spaces which drives traffic from web and physical spaces and NGO partner initiatives, in collaboration with output 2
    Ensure linkages with output 3 campaign initiatives through virtual platforms.
    Ensuring on-going virtual platform safety.
    Feeding into discussions to generate new topics that will keep the ‘lifestyle’ brand and content fresh and relevant, drawing from conversations within virtual and physical discussions

    Support the development and delivery of strategies to support AGW to actively participate in nationwide campaigns and links to networks.

    Developing and delivering on a strong strategy to deliver component 2 – AGW networking and campaigning
    Developing annual workplan within agreed budget
    Responsible for developing and reporting against monitoring and measurement tools for the component
    Ensure close linkages with output 2 and 3 in developing campaign messages and strategies, and in line with messaging strategy and guidance
    Identifying innovative and relevant ways to communicate issues in ways that resonate with target audience

    Supervise State Coordinators to achieve programme objectives, including:

    Providing technical knowledge and skills to support web-based and face to face interventions.
    Demonstrating value for money by reviewing weekly work plans.
    Monitoring achievement of priority activities.
    Identifying areas for follow up support.
    Actively analysing and managing risk.
    Overseeing coordination of workload demands from output leads.
    Overseeing support by State Coordinators to sub-recipients to pilot virtual and physical strategies, knowledge management and sharing.

    Collaborate with other Output Leads, DFID programmes, national partners, international partners and other safe space organisations.

    Develop and monitor budget and expenditure
    Developing annual costed workplans
    Reviewing and reporting against monthly expenditure ensuring within 5% variance
    Providing V4M evidence on quarterly basis

    Plan for and supervise consultants as required, working in close partnership with ‘critical friend’ (CF)

    Responsible for ensuring consultants are working within contractual terms as laid out in ToR
    Ensure TA tracker is up to date and accurate TA projections shared on monthly basis
    Specific to CF – Actively drawing on technical support, developing annual ToRs, agreeing quarterly deliverables and days, together with bi weekly check in
    Responsible for keeping CF and long term consultants up to date with V4C strategic thinking, planning and reviews across the programme

    Any other reasonable activities determined by the Team Leader or Deputy Team Leader.

    Method of Application
    Use links below to apply Knowledge Management Adviser Adolescent Girls and Women Lead



    We're following Jesus where need is greatest, working through local churches to unlock people's potential and helping them to discover that the answer to poverty is within themselves. When disasters strike, we respond quickly. We won't stop until poverty stops.


    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Job Field; NGO/Non-Profit

    Job Description
    We are looking for an experienced Disaster Response Manager to implement an effective strategy for Tearfund’s USA Response in the context of Tearfund’s corporate outcomes and vision.
    You will have responsibility to facilitate all aspects of Tearfund’s involvement in the USA Response including:
    Coordinating and monitoring implementation of partner projects in USA. Building the capacity of Tearfund partners as they implement the response and promotion of quality standards
    Acting as Tearfund’s primary contact person for the Response Programme in relation to internal communications and acting as the primary point of contact for all external communications
    Hosting and coordinating visits to the programme from Tearfund staff.
    The successful candidate will have substantial experience of designing and managing emergency relief activities and capacity development of local NGOs and/or churches.
    All applicants must be committed to Tearfund’s Christian beliefs
    Fixed term for 12 months Unaccompanied post Competitive salary and benefits package

    Method of Application
    To apply for this position, click here



    Pathfinder Overview
    Pathfinder International is a global leader in sexual and reproductive health. We place reproductive health care at the center of all that we do—believing that it is not only
    a fundamental human right, but is critical for expanding life opportunities for women, families, communities, and nations, and paving the way for transformations in environmental stewardship, decreases in population pressures, and innovations in poverty reduction. Pathfinder provides women, men, and adolescents with a range of quality health services—from contraception and maternal care to HIV prevention and AIDS care and treatment. Pathfinder strives to strengthen access to family planning, advocate for sound reproductive health policies, and, through all of our work, improve the rights and lives of the people we serve.

    Job Tittle; Chief of Party

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 10 years

    Job Field; NGO/Non-Profit

    Program Overview
    Pathfinder seeks a Chief of Party (COP) for the anticipated RMNCH project in USA. The purpose of the project is to increase access to and uptake of high quality Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH) services in USA. This project will contribute to state-level reduction in under-five and maternal mortality, and to increased capacity of health systems (public and private) to sustainably support access to primary health care. The project will work closely with and support state governments, while strengthening their capacity in developing a robust plan for the health sector annually and provide support for its implementation.

    Position Purpose
    The Chief of Party has overall responsibility for leading and managing the RMNCH project in USA to ensure that the project achieves its intended impact. S/he provides strategic leadership and managerial oversight of the administrative, programmatic, technical, and operational aspects of the Project. The Chief of Party oversees the day-to-day work of the Project and is responsible for the effective use and deployment of staff and financial resources to achieve project targets. S/he is accountable for all aspects of the Project’s effective management, including financial and budgetary oversight, timely implementation of activities, and stakeholder relationship management.

    Key Responsibilities
    Provide strategic direction of Project activities. Develop and update the Project strategic plan, ensuring that programmatic directions are technically sound, evidence-based and consistent with National priorities.
    Ensure that Project performance objectives and mandated deliverables such as technical activities, annual work plans and programmatic/financial/technical reports are carried out in a timely fashion and meet the highest quality standards.
    Provide leadership and direction to Monitoring and Evaluation strategies, frameworks, plans and indicators to capture project performance and results. Lead a periodic implementation review process to monitor progress and to identify specific actions that may be needed to achieve expected results.
    In collaboration with Project staff, establish and maintain the ongoing administrative and financial operations of Project offices, ensuring compliance with Pathfinder International’s policy and USAID contract provisions.
    Ensure that appropriate security guidelines and procedures are established, maintained, updated regularly and adhered to by the Project staff. Monitor the security situation and provide leadership for staff in emergencies.
    Employ appropriate management procedures to ensure that all resources are in place, adhered to, and in compliance with donor rules and regulations.
    Work with Pathfinder International Headquarters and Country Office to develop policies and procedures that improve efficiency and quality.
    Select, hire, and supervise staff and subcontractors; assign roles and responsibilities, manage performance.
    Develop, monitor and revise budget pipeline and conduct monthly reviews to ensure accountability of all Project activities as well as the accurate and timely reporting of finance deliverables.
    Approve expenditures in accordance with Pathfinder International and USAID procedures, cost principles, and regulations.
    In coordination with Pathfinder International Contracts Officer, contract with and manage local individuals/organizations for identified tasks in compliance with USAID and Pathfinder International procedures. Negotiate consultancy.
    Partner successfully with Pathfinder International’s Country Representative and Headquarters financial, technical, and operations backstop officers by providing accurate and timely reporting and updates on the Project progress and challenges.
    Cultivate and strengthen positive, productive relationships with USAID, partners, Ministry of Health and other governmental agencies ensuring that Pathfinder International is consistently viewed as an effective implementing partner in meeting and achieving project targets.
    Manage and coordinate activities of subcontractors and partners to create synergy and ensure that project responsibilities are carried out in accordance with donor regulations.
    Document Project achievements for communications materials such as the annual reports, brochures, and website updates.
    Identify prospective business development opportunities.
    Assist Development teams in planning for and developing proposal submissions.
    Perform other tasks to ensure effective implementation of the Project as required.

    Basic Requirements
    Master’s degree in Public Health, social sciences, international development or related field.
    Extensive experience living and working in USA
    Minimum of ten years of experience managing mid-to-large scale donor-funded projects in RMNCH program areas in developing and transitioning countries.
    Hands-on experience working effectively with senior Government personnel, international organizations, NGO partners, host country governments, and U. S. Government Agencies.
    Demonstrated experience successfully fulfilling performance objectives, including the timely implementation and reporting of donor-funded program activities.
    Significant operations and financial management experience in developing countries.
    Proven experience in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating development and intervention activities with USAID.
    Direct senior staff supervision experience required.
    In-depth knowledge of public and/or private health systems, decentralization of services, and the latest professional developments in HIV prevention, care and treatment, and maternal and child health.
    Demonstrated management skills working with complex programs involving short deadlines, multiple tasks, intense pressure to perform, and coordination with multiple partners.
    Thorough understanding of and ability to analyze finanical documents, projections, expenditures and accruals.
    Excellent diplomatic, interpersonal and communication (written and verbal) skills.
    Demonstrated capabilities in institutional capacity building, and high-level strategic visioning and leadership.
    Proven ability to create and maintain effective working relations with senior Government personnel, international organizations, NGO partners, host country governments, and U. S. Government Agencies.
    Demonstrated ability to manage, motivate, mentor and direct all levels of staff while creating a positive team environment.
    Familiarity with community-based approaches for service delivery and procedures in the implementation of donor assisted projects.
    Excellent knowledge of the political, social, economic, and cultural context of working in USA and thorough understanding of applicable US Government regulations and administrative procedures.
    Strong representation skills including the ability to present results and products to USAID and other key stakeholders such as the Ministry of Health.
    Expert computer skills in Microsoft Office Suite applications, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
    Must be fluent in English.
    Position requires extensive in-country travel.
    Occasional travel to the US Headquarters may be required.

    Method of Application
    To apply for this position, click here

  • Propcom Mai-karfi Latest Job Opportunities

    Propcom Mai-karfi, a six-year project working to improve the livelihoods of USA’s rural poor through targeted market initiatives, is seeking a high-performing, results-oriented professional to serve as Results Measurement Officer.
    Job Title: Results Measurement Officer


    Job Field
    NGO, Non-Profit

    Job Detail
    The Results Measurement Officer will assist in ensuring that the programme’s results measurement system is used to deepen the understanding of market systems, and improve strategies and intervention design, and foster a culture of honest inquiry, analysis and learning in relation to results achieved. S/he will be required to advise Intervention Managers on conducting results measurement at all levels of their interventions, including analysing information to refine strategy and implementation of Propcom Mai‐karfi work in line with the M4P approach to development.


    • Carry out programme monitoring as per the requirements of an M4P programme and the DCED guidelines for Results Measurement.
    • Work with the programme team to gather necessary quantitative and qualitative data to support programme work and reporting needs.
    • Develop, in collaboration with Intervention Managers and Market Section Managers, results chains and measurement plans for each intervention and market that is assigned to her/him.
    • Support the Intervention Managers in planning, projecting, identifying, quantifying and verifying milestones and targets.
    • Support the Research Manager and Research Officers in organising and carrying out data collection for various programme uses.
    • Support the Results Measurement Team in ensuring that results measurement information is analysed and used for decision making, learning and planning of strategy; particularly with regards to choice of markets, market strategies, intervention designs, revising interventions and reporting.

    Required Skills & Experience
    • A degree or similar qualification in Statistics, Economics or any other social science;
    • Experience in designing, managing and implementing research projects;
    • Experience in business development and project management;
    • Experience in the development of surveys and data collection instruments for monitoring programmes;
    • Previous data analysis experience using Microsoft Excel or any other data analysis tool;
    • Previous experience using the market for the poor M4P approach would be of great advantage.
    • Knowledge of the institutions and organisations and businesses that provide services to the agricultural sector in USA and at the State level;
    • Experience or knowledge of relevant northern USA agricultural markets.

    Method of Application
    All interested and suitably qualified Persons should forward or send their CV to this email address; rmofficer@propcommaikarfi.org

  • Administrative Job Vacancy at UNOCHA USA

    OCHA is the part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA also ensures there is a framework within which each actor can contribute to the overall response effort.

    Job Title: Associate Humanitarian Affairs Officer (TJO)


    Job Field
    Administration, Secretarial, NGO, Non-Profit


    • Within delegated authority, the Associate Humanitarian Affairs Officer will be responsible for the following duties:
    • In consultation with a senior Humanitarian Affairs Officer, assists in the design and preparation of studies on humanitarian, disaster, emergency relief and related issues and in various follow-up activities.
    • Researches, analyses and presents information gathered from diverse sources on assigned topics/issues.
    • Contributes to the preparation of various written documents, e.g. humanitarian bulletins, situation reports, key messages, briefing notes/kits, press releases, background papers, policy guidelines, parliamentary documents, briefings, case studies, presentations, correspondence, etc.
    • Develops and maintains reference/resource information on specific topics or policy-related issues; responds to various inquiries and information requests internally and externally.
    • Assists in the production of appeals for international assistance; ensures the proper use and spending of donor contributions channelled through OCHA
    • Assists in the organization of meetings, seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. with other agencies and partners to facilitate exchanges of professional expertise and views on specific humanitarian-related subjects/issues; serves as reporter to such events.
    • Maintains awareness of current humanitarian affairs and related issues, to include relevant political, policy, gender considerations or other developments in specific subject area, country or region concerned.8. Chair and manage the Inter-Agency Communications Working Group CWG established under the HCT
    • Participates in project, programme formulation and mobilization of relevant resources. 10. Performs other duties as required.

    • Knowledge and understanding of humanitarian, emergency relief assistance and related humanitarian issues. Ability to identify issues, analyse and participate in the resolution of issues/problems. Ability to develop sources for data collection. Conceptual analytical and evaluative skills to conduct independent research and analysis, including familiarity with and experience in the use of various research sources, including electronic sources on the internet, intranet and other databases. Ability to apply judgment in the context of assignments given, work under pressure, on occasion in a highly stressful environment e.g. civil strife, natural disasters and human misery. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.
    • Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.
    • Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.

    • An advanced university degree, Master's degree or equivalent in political science, social science, international studies, public administration, economics, engineering, earth sciences or a related field is required. A first-level university degree in combination with an additional two years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
    • A first-level university degree and no experience will be accepted for candidates who have passed the Young Professionals Programme Examination, United Nations National Competitive Recruitment Examination, NCRE or the General Service to Professional Examination G to P.

    Work Experience
    • A minimum of two years of progressively responsible experience in humanitarian affairs, emergency preparedness, crisis/emergency relief management, rehabilitation, development, or related area. At least one year of humanitarian experience in the field actual setting where a mission and project is being implemented) in emergency situations complex emergency or natural disaster is required. Experience in the UN Common System is desirable. Experience in the region is desirable.
    • No experience is required for candidates who have passed the Young Professionals Programme Examination, United Nations National Competitive Recruitment Examination NCRE or the General Service to Professional Examination G to P.
    • Languages
    • French and English are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the position advertised, fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another UN official language is desirable.

    Method of Application
    All interested and suitably qualified persons should click here for an online application.

  • COOPI Latets Job Vacancy For A Programme Manager

    COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale is an humanitarian, non confessional and independent Foundation NGO that fights against all kinds of poverty to make the world a better place. Founded in 1965, COOPI is based in Milan and it has 24 headquarters in the South of the World.

    Job Title: Programme Manager

    Abuja, Yobe

    Job Field
    Administration, Secretarial, NGO, Non-Profit

    Job Summary
    USA is the country with the largest GDP of the whole US continent and it is currently living strong internal crisis due to several factors. In the coastal area, tensions are still ongoing, sometimes in a very violent way, and are related to environmental associations and to the kidnapping of several technicians who were working for oil extraction. In the south and in the centre of the country tensions are very strong too, and really violent, especially between farmers and breeders. But the two main issues that are really concerning the humanitarian community are the persistence of malnutrition and food insecurity in the Sahel area in the north of the country and the considerable increase in the fresh wave of attacks of the terrorist movement, the Islamic fundamentalist Boko Aram. In all the states of the North and Centre, but especially in the three states of the North East Yobe, Borno and Adamawa where the state of emergency has been declared, there are ongoing attacks in schools, churches, shopping centres, markets and any crowded place. The IDPs are fleeing from the most insecure areas and they are about 700.000, while there are several thousand of refugees in the neighboring countries Cameroon, Niger and Chad.

    COOPI is working in USA since July 2014, in order to respond to the humanitarian crisis due to the presence of the terrorist group of Boko Haram.
    After an assessment mission, COOPI began its intervention in the State of Bauchi, bordering two of the states directly declared in emergency. In this state the flux of IDPs from the most affected areas is constant and, according to the conflict, use to record sudden increasing.


    The Programme Manager manages the implementation and coordination of the designated field projects within a multi-sectorial programme WASH, Food Security, Shelter and NFI, Child Protection and provides leadership for the field staff. He or she manages and evaluates all aspects of the COOPI projects, and facilitates the flow of information from the field to the capital, supporting the Head of Mission in defining strategic direction.


    Oversees the overall implementation of the designated projects in accordance with the project proposals ensuring objectives are met within the required time frame and budget. Is responsible to assure that projects are implemented according to COOPI and donors’ procedures and where necessary ensures preventative and corrective action is taken.
    Follows the direction of the relevant sectorial offices at HQ regarding quality, strategy and technical guidelines.
    Manages the field staff and ensure that all personnel related issues for the staff of the designated projects are carried out in accordance with COOPI procedures and guidelines.
    Oversee the procurement process of the projects in accordance with COOPI procedures
    Develops in consultation with the Head of Mission, an implementation strategy appropriate to the country context and strategy.
    Ensures complete and timely reporting of activities to the Head of Mission.
    Develops and maintains relationships with relevant stakeholders e.g. beneficiaries, community leaders, local and national government officials, donors, UN agencies and other NGOs and represent COOPI at relevant state level meetings e.g. state and local government, sector-coordination and security in order to facilitate and ensure cooperation and partnerships.
    Supervises the expenditures related to the designated projects and contributes to budget design for future projects, in collaboration with the Head of Mission and the Country Administrator in accordance with COOPI procedures and donor guidelines.
    Monitors and reviews the security status of the area(s) of operation on a regular basis, liaising as applicable with local authorities, other NGOs, the UN or other relevant security bodies and keep the Head of Mission updated on relevant developments.

    Minimum Requirements

    • At least five years working experience, out of which three involved in Humanitarian projects
    • Strong managerial skills, use of frame work, and detailed working plan.
    • Good knowledge of humanitarian standard and background ex. Sphere standard
    • Good report writing skills;
    • Good knowledge and use of the English Language;
    • Proactive aptitude in terms of planning and coordination with different bodies, institutions and Reference Points;
    • Target oriented and problem solving aptitude;
    • Good leadership skills, aimed at managing and motivating a team;
    • Positive ability to bear stressful and complicated situations;
    • Diplomatic and confidentiality skills;
    • Advanced IT skills
    • Previous experience in the Region is an asset
    • Preferably US

    Method Application
    All interested candidates should click here in order to apply online

    Don't forget to drop your comments please

    Good luck!

  • Latest Job Vacancy at International Development Organization (IDO) USA

    An International Development Organization IDO is seeking applications from qualified USA nationals for the following positions which is shown below

    Job Title: Grants Officer

    Location Abuja

    Job Field NGO, Non-Profit

    Job Description
    The Grants Officer is responsible for supporting a distinct portfolio of program activities. This includes developing grant ideas in collaboration with Program Development Office, supporting and monitoring grant implementation, closing grants and maintaining all required electronic and paper files. S/he will closely coordinate with Program Development Officers to ensure that projects are developed and implemented in a manner that advances project goals and current strategy objectives. This position will be based at the head office, located in Abuja, with program activities expected to be carried out in the North Eastern states.

    Manage all aspects of assigned grant portfolio throughout all stages of project development, implementation and closure. Manage associated timelines and donor reporting requirements for individual grant activities. Maintain internal trackers, such as the grant status and closing trackers. Monitor grant portfolio pipeline of financial commitments and disbursements.
    Serve as a key point of contact for information on related project issues, coordination with partner organizations and sociopolitical and development trends.
    Develop project ideas in coordination with Program Development Office.
    Manage strategy objectives/action plan for assigned grant portfolio per the approved work plan.
    Draft project ideas with estimated budgets and present them in internal Grant Review Committee meetings.
    Prepare project proposals in grant database incorporating project objectives, activities, deliverables, monitoring and evaluation plan, media plan, budget and timeline.
    Ensure compliance with donor and organizational policies, procedures and regulations, throughout activity implementation. Ensure thorough, audit-compliant documentation.
    Monitor project progress against the approved project implementation timeline; identify delays and work closely with Program Development Office to ensure projects stay on track.
    Track overall project development and identify trends to document ‘success stories’ and ‘lessons learned’.
    Engage in overall political analysis, impact assessment, and participate in strategy development to advance the project goals.
    Review and contribute to the Final Evaluation Reports and prepare project documents for closing.
    Coordinate with staff in all departments to complete assigned tasks; engage in regular coordination with Program, Procurement and Finance units to quickly resolve implementation issues.
    Travel to project sites for follow up/support on activity implementation, as needed.
    Perform other tasks, as assigned.


    • University degree in public administration, economics, finance, business management or a related field is required.
    • Five years’ experience in grants management is required.
    • Prior experience with internationally-funded projects is highly desirable.
    • Demonstrated experience reviewing and negotiating budgets, reviewing financial reports, preparing for and monitoring audits of grantees, and file management.
    • Proficiency at using Microsoft office software: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc. is required.
    • Ability to work under pressure and efficiently handle multiple tasks
    • Ability to work under own initiative or as a part of a team
    • Experience of working in a conflict environment is a plus.
    • Fluency in oral and written English is required.
    • Fluency in one or more of the local state languages in the North Eastern part of USA is required

    Method Of Application
    All interested and suitably Qualified Candidates should forward their CV to the following email; USA_recruitment@neri-USA.com


    FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions. Our staff includes experts in health, education, nutrition, environment, economic development, civil society, gender, youth, research and technology — creating a unique mix of capabilities to address today's interrelated development challenges. FHI 360 serves
    more than 70 countries and all U.S. states and territories. We are currently seeking qualified candidates for the position of:

    Job Tittle; Finance & Administrative Assistant

    Job Type; Full Time

    Location; Rivers

    The Strengthening Integrated Delivery of HIV/AIDS Services (SIDHAS) project is a five-year PEPFAR program to provide high quality HIV/AIDS services, and to build the capacity of the public and private sectors in USA in order to provide these services in a sustainable manner. The SIDHAS project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

    Job Summary / Responsibilities:
    Basic Role:

    • Under the direction of the SFAO, the Finance and Administrative Assistant will be responsible for the provision of accounting, administrative, and logistical support services to the state office.
    • Duties and responsibilities;
    • Prepare monthly financial report forms which accompany executed sub project documents.
    • Prepare monthly reporting/ budgets data entry into excel spreadsheets and automated MIS reports and disseminate information to country office
    • Assists the SFAO in arranging travel logistics for state office staff, consultants and training participants including hotel reservations and where required, arranging airport and hotel pick-ups.
    • Handles all photocopying assignments, development and printing of photographs including reproduction of recorded videotapes for the zonal office.
    • Assist the SFAO in the provision of logistic support for workshops and training.
    • Assists the SFAO in the maintenance of an efficient records/storage of all office supplies.
    • Serves as point of contact for logistical and administrative needs in the office.
    • Coordinates all administrative and secretarial support services for the state office (as relevant).
    • Records minutes of staff meetings and circulates same amongst the staff of the state.
    • Assists with production of presentation materials for staff members.
    • Act as a receptionist: answers the telephones in an appropriate, clear and friendly manner, takes and relays messages or forwards calls, greets and directs office visitors, receives/sends correspondence, keeps fax log and any correspondence.
    • Perform office equipment tasks such as making needed arrangement for services for telephone and e-mail, obtaining quotations for required services, arranging for repairs of office equipment.
    • Performs any other duties as assigned.

    • University degree in Accounting, Finance or Business administration
    • Minimum of 1-3 years experience in accounting related to NGOs and community level programs, with increasing responsibility.
    • Experience with administrative and secretarial skills
    • Sound accounting skills
    • Experience with large complex organization is required, familiarity with international NGOs preferred

    Job Tittle; Administrative Assistant-Human Resources

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND

    Experience; 1 year

    Location; Abuja

    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial Human Resources / HR

    The Strengthening Integrated Delivery of HIV/AIDS Services (SIDHAS) project is a five-year PEPFAR program to provide high quality HIV/AIDS services, and to build the capacity of the public and private sectors in USA in order to provide these services in a sustainable manner. The SIDHAS project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

    Job Summary / Responsibilities:
    Under the supervision of the Snr HRO, provide operational support to implement an effective functional Human Resources (HR) processes for the SIDHAS project in team functional areas, including recruitment, employee relations, benefits administration, compensation, HRIS, and training


    • File all documents appropriately into personnel files and subject files daily
    • Assist in the scheduling of interviews.
    • Print and package new hire orientation manuals.
    • Print and package employee policy manuals.
    • Maintain the position open files.
    • Do reference letters to referees and collate reports for candidate’s personnel files.
    • Pass I D card forms completed by new hires to Vendors for identification cards and to I T for email addresses
    • Assist in preparing staff introductory letters
    • Assist in filing and tracking of purchase requisitions, travel documents.
    • Invite selected candidates for interviews and ensure proper documentation during interviews.
    • Follow up with processing of accommodation, per diem and transportation advances with finance.
    • Set-up and coordinate meetings; prepare meeting minutes
    • Prepare budget for interviews and new hire orientation
    • Perform other duties as they are identified and assigned by the HR team.

    • Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources Management, Business/Public Administration or related field with at least 1 -3 years experience in the areas outlined. Must be Computer literate and able to use Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Must have a good interpersonal relationship and able to use internet and emails.
    • Experience with large complex organization is required, familiarity with international NGOs preferred

    Job Tittle; Technical Officer-Clinical Services

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA PhD/Fellowship

    Experience; 1 year

    Location; Cross River

    Job Field; Medical / Health / Safety

    The Strengthening Integrated Delivery of HIV/AIDS Services (SIDHAS) project is a five-year PEPFAR program to provide high quality HIV/AIDS services, and to build the capacity of the public and private sectors in USA in order to provide these services in a sustainable manner. The SIDHAS project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

    Job Summary / Responsibilities:
    Basic Function:
    With the Senior Technical Officer, the State Technical Officer (Clinical Services) will provide technical and programmatic support to implement high quality care and support activities with primary focus on clinical management of HIV/AIDS, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Health/Family Planning (RH/FP), TB and integrated medical services at the state level.

    Duties and responsibilities:

    • Provide day to day technical and programmatic support related to Clinical Management of HIV/ AIDS, PMTCT, TB, RH/FP and integrated medical services at the facility level guided by strategies and approaches related to the implementation programs.
    • With the Senior State Technical Officer, coordinate the implementation of components related to clinical management of HIV/AIDS, prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT), RH/FP, TB and integrated medical services at the facility level.
    • Provide technical assistance in HIV/AIDS clinical management capacity building, PMTCT, RH/FP, TB and integrated medical services at the facility level.
    • Contribute to the development of lessons learned from programs and projects related to clinical management of HIV/AIDS, PMTCT, RH/FP, TB and integrated medical services and apply these lessons to modify existing programs and improve the design of new programs.
    • Assist in strengthening a system of reporting on program progress against stated objectives and monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
    • Contribute to the development of program strategies, subproject documents, work plans and budgets.
    • Assist in the provision of programmatic assistance to local partners in programming HIV/AIDS/STI/TB, RH/FP and integrated medical services activities.
    • Remain informed on current programs in the field of Clinical Management of HIV/AIDS and related developments by reviewing current literature and staying alert to any implication of such experience and research to the project implementation especially the Clinical Management of HIV/AIDS, PMTCT, TB and integrated medical services at the facility level.
    • Perform other duties as assigned.
    • Qualifications:
    • MB.BS/MD/PHD or similar degree with 1 to 3 years relevant experience in clinical care with a sound understanding of HIV/AIDS with provision of PMTCT and anti-retroviral therapy (ART) in resource constrained settings.
    • Possession of an MPH or post graduate degree in a related field is required.
    • Familiarity with USA public sector health systems and NGOs and CBOs is highly desirable.

    Job Tittle; Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA PhD/Fellowship

    Location; Nassarawa

    Job Field; Medical / Health / Safety

    Malaria Action Program for States (MAPS) is one of the projects under FHI 360. MAPS focuses on supporting the development of infrastructure, resources, systems, and the technical and management capacities necessary for effective malaria control. The project is implemented by three partners and FHI 360 is the lead implementing partner. MAPS project is a five year project which took effect from October 1, 2010; the project recently secured a one year no-cost extension and would be rounding up by September 30, 2016

    Job Summary / Responsibilities:

    • Stimulate the demand for data from various health department and support development of a credible system of access to data from the DPRS to other department within the SMOH
    • Institute regular data analysis, presentation to stakeholders and feedback to the states.
    • Periodically provide concrete evidence that can be used for decision making.
    • Build capacity of SMOH to perform these functions after the TA tenure ship.
    • The Technical Assistant will work full time at the SMOH/DPRS, reports to the Director in the DPRS while receiving support from the MAPS office (State Coordinator & M&E Advisor).
    • Supports collection, process and disseminate relevant and necessary information required both for state health planning and for monitoring the utilization of resources in accordance with state priorities, objectives and health indicators.
    • Reviews existing database of data and provide recommendations for improvement.
    • Ensures timely forwarding/sharing of data to relevant agencies, departments and programs operating at the State level; and quality of data improved where applicable.
    • Supports the utilization of specific disease control data by collaborating with M&E of disease control programs.
    • Regularly support analysis of state data to provide trend of indicators used for monitoring of service data.
    • Supports regular conduct of data quality audit in the state
    • Any other duty assigned

    • 1st degree in Medicine or other relevant fields with Masters in Public Health. A PhD experience in Public Health, Mathematics, Statistics, or related fields will be an added advantage;
    • At least 5 years’ experience in assessment design & implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of donor funded programs;
    • Proficiency in Excel, Word and database management especially DHIS;
    • Demonstrable experience with statistical software packages (Stata, SPSS, Epi Info)
    • Familiarity with USAID policies
    • Familiarity with USA public sector health systems and NGOs and CBOs is highly desirable.

    To apply for these job vacancies online, click here


    AIDS Healthcare Foundation AHF is a legally registered NGO operating in USA, AHF USA collaborates with the Federal Governments of USA and other partner institution, to provide technical assistance to these key stakeholders to deliver quality and comprehensive HIV/Aids treatment, care and support, HIV
    counselling and testing, prevention, Nutrition and Psychosocial services to people living with HIV, Aids.

    Job Title: Logistics Assistant 5 positions

    Abia, Abuja, Anambra, Kogi, Rivers

    Job Field

    Job Summary
    The driver provides transport support services to all AHF Staff and volunteers at the state as maybe required from time to time.
    Essential Duties and Responsibilities
    Provides transport support services to all Al-IF Staff and Volunteers at the state as maybe required from lime to time.
    Ensures all AHF Vehicle policies are followed and enforced.
    Maintains accurate and up to date records relating to AHF Vehicle use by filling vehicle log book.
    Purchase fuel, reviews the accuracy of cash memos and/or bill and submit seine to finance dept. for payment.
    Performs constant and routine check on project vehicle, reports any fault from necessary actions.
    Ensures AHF Travel Authorization/Request duly approved is in place before embarking on any official trip.
    Any other duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.

    Education and Experience

    • A minimum of OND or NCE.
    • Possession of valid Driving License.
    • Over two years of driving experience in a reputable organization an added advantage.
    • Computer literacy an added advantage

    Basic Requirements
    • Basic technical knowledge of automobiles, as he has to write reports on the working condition of the company transport means
    • Good organizational skills in order to coordinate and see that all the employees are getting their transportation on time
    • Good knowledge of the terrain will bean added advantage.
    All interested candidates that are Qualified for this positions should send their CV to this email: globalhr@aidshealth.org


    HO assumes as the primary mission to promote citizens participation in politics as the best way to ensure democracy to become something real, that's to say, participatory.
    We think society came before State; politics is essencially vocation to the service; and rulers have the duty to listen to the governed.

    Job Title: USA Campaigner - Country Manager


    Job Field
    Administration, Secretarial, NGO, Non-Profit

    Job Description
    The USA Campaigner - Country Manager, will be our representative in USA. CitizenGO has not established a USA physical office space, so the ideal candidate will work remotely with the Campaigns Leadership team to assist with developing rapid-response campaigns to our audience in USA. Campaigns will be developed through online activism and occasionally reinforced with field work.

    Your Responsibilities Will Include

    • Activating and helping USA citizens to become active citizens.
    • Helping like-minded organizations to reach their mission by using our state-of-the-art technology for winning campaigns, and thus acquiring new supporters for their cause.
    • Under supervision of the Campaigns Leadership team, USA, managing -- online and offline -- campaigns to ensure outstanding performance and results.
    • Identifying promising grassroots campaigns started by activists or organizations in English. You’ll help these campaigns win by providing strategic advice, conducting media outreach, and promoting them to cGO members.
    • Designing and executing rapid-response social change advocacy campaigns in partnership with other stakeholders, partners and like-minded NGOs, with the potential for explosive growth and swift victories. This includes writing engaging campaign emails.
    • Increasing the number of members of the cGO USAs email list.
    • Establishing and maintaining deep partnerships with leading USA NGOs. You’ll be a trusted advisor and useful ally, helping large and small organizations run campaigns on cGO.
    • Promoting and managing the distribution of the campaigns via emails with a call-to-action. Also, spreading the word about the campaigns via social networking.
    • Representing cGO before the media and politicians as a spokesperson. Attending conferences and networking events and delivering small presentations related to cGO and the campaigns we organize and promote.
    • Taking the streets, mobilizing people. Generating change. Organizing events, demonstrations, performances.
    • Recruiting, training, and managing a team of online and offline volunteers, the field organizers and campaigners who support cGO campaigns and activities.
    • Sharing the responsibility of managing communications with all cGO members by responding to email inquiries to cGO about campaigns, donations, and other related inquiries.
    • Assisting in the developing a close relationship of our USA members and donors: asking them to sign new petitions, inform about your local activities... Being the focal-point regarding our USA donors.
    • Collaborating with the fundraising team to develop fundraising campaigns designed to our USA
    • audience.
    • Proofreading English language campaigns, administrative documents, and other related materials.
    • Collaborating with a global team of campaigners to help shape the direction of cGO both locally and internationally.
    • Analyzing the cGO reputational risks in a diverse set of global markets and executing various initiatives to mitigate those risks.
    • Strategizing with the cGO team about how to continue to expand our effectiveness, reach and impact.
    • The Ideal Candidate Should Have The Following Core Competencies
    • A deep understanding of cGO Foundation Vision, Mission, and Objectives, which includes having a strong commitment to defend these values.
    • Commitment to our Mission of empowering citizens to win campaigns on the critical issues of our times. You believe citizens can stop injustice, can stop the culture of death and gender ideology-inspired totalitarianism and can change the world.
    • Exceptional writing and verbal communication skills in English, able to craft compelling and persuasive written communications for a general audience.
    • You should enjoy working in an online environment, using social media and collaborating using online tools.
    • Strong leadership and persuasiveness skills. You’ll be able to inspire citizens to understand the possibilities of citizen-powered change to promote life, family and freedom.
    • The ability to build and manage a small team of volunteers, bringing out the best in them.
    • Impact-driven. You’ll work outside your comfort zone to do what it takes to win campaigns.
    • A track record of good judgment. You’re able to make sound decisions in fast-moving situations.
    • Strong rapport-building and relationship skills. You can effectively build and maintain partnerships and be a trusted ally among social change campaigners.
    • Initiative and a can-do attitude across a variety of campaign issue areas.
    • Able to identify and seize opportunities quickly. Campaigning is very moment-driven, so you’ll be comfortable working in an agile and fast-paced environment.
    • High-level strategic thinker, with a strong grasp of national and international politics and social power. You understand the political and corporate pressure points in the world and current life and family issues at play.
    • Using your talent, you will influence the decisions of politicians and businessman, and put pressure on mass media to make citizen's opinion heard.
    • cGO is an exceptionally fast-paced and collaborative work environment. Your co-workers are high-impact, low-ego, and have a deep respect for our members.
    • Normally, Campaigners - Country Managers will have relevant experience in advocacy, media or government – but if you make up for lack of experience with passion and a willingness to learn quickly, you should still apply.
    • You will be a recognized social change leader with a proven track record of scaling and managing teams, and the ability to inspire other leaders to achieve world-class outcomes.
    • -5 years of relevant experience is preferred (but not required), a strong management and leadership background and a demonstrable passion for cGO’s Mission and Vision is essential. Regardless of experience, we are looking for a passionate, hard-working and organized self-starter who wants to be part of a fast-moving and ambitious organization working for social change.
    • You may come from a variety of different backgrounds, but experience in the nonprofit, advocacy, social enterprise and tech sectors are strongly desired.
    • Successful candidates are also likely to have some or all of the following competences: a deep understanding of social change, campaign strategy, power mapping and advocacy, policy analysis, communications, network-building, online campaigning, organizational development, remote and cross-cultural management, and business strategy.
    • To be based in Abuja is not mandatory. The role will involve some (light) travel.

    Additional Information
    You’ll be an independent contractor. You’ll get paid on a freelance basis for each campaign you launch. Campaign deliverables will be the online campaign and the email with the call-to-action.


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