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  • Getting Your Education Isn't Impossible Anymore

    We all have dreams and ambitions. When it comes to your career, reaching your goals will have a big impact on your finances, your happiness, and much more. Sometimes, however, life just gets in the way. For years, people with responsibilities and busy schedules have felt like it's practically impossible to go back to school and get the kind of degree that they need to move forward in life. Thanks to modern technology, that isn't the case anymore.

    Online education has made it far easier for anyone to earn a respected college degree online. By using a few simple tools and finding the right program, you can start working towards the degree you want. Online education has a number of benefits, including the following:

    • Numerous School Choices – More than 75% of all major universities now offer online programs in one form or another. There are many schools that specialize in online only classes, and others who combine a mixture of class types. For instance, schools like the University of Phoenix have made it easy to take online classes anywhere, and other colleges like DeVry offer both campus based and online classes.
    • Plenty of Courses – There are also many different options in terms of what you want to study. Degrees can be earned online in a wide range of fields. Even those subjects that require hands-on training can often be completed through a combination of mostly online classwork and clinical experience at a local facility. Courses available in Information Technology, accounting, finance, and more can all be completed entirely online. Medical degrees in fields like nursing are sometimes available, but will often require offline, in-person clinical training as well as the online portion of classwork. There are also master's degrees, associate's degrees, and bachelor's degree programs available to choose from.
    • Respected – As long as you take the time to find the right schools with the right credentials, your online degree will be every bit as useful and respected as one earned the traditional way. If you're in doubt, you can always check the US News and World Report college rankings for online schools.
    • Flexible – This is the big difference, and the main reason that so many people are turning to online education Thanks to online colleges, students can learn at their own pace on their own schedule. You don't have to be in a classroom at a specific time. You don't have to take time off from your current job. Most importantly, you can spend the time you need mastering a specific area of study. It's a personalized way to learn that really does work.

    Learning online holds plenty of benefits, but the biggest one is the same that any education path offers – it can help you make serious positive changes to your life. All you need is the motivation and drive to get started, the discipline to complete your classwork as needed, and a good idea about where you want your career to take you. If you have all of those things, reaching your educational goals is easier than you might think.

  • Iowa tries to control college costs – College News Update

    Let’s start with the good news. Iowa seems to have found the answer to controlling college costs. This year, tuition at Iowa public universities grew just 3.5 percent. And, if the Iowa Board of Regents has it’s way, tuition will not be raised at all next year. Then, the year after that, tuition will be lowered by $1,000, without any reduction in academic programs. To make the plan work, the Iowa legislature will need to add just 2.5% to the current higher education budget.

    Now for the bad news. Although Americans have always been proud of the opportunity for social mobility in the United States, a new study has disclosed that fewer than 30% of young people whose parents did not attend college will do so. The U.S. now ranks 14th of the 37 countries studied in the overall percentage of 24-37 year old citizens with a college education. And, only two of the nations…New Zealand and Canada…send a smaller percentage of students with non college educated parents to institutions of higher education. Although the overall percentage of college educated U.S. residents is still fairly impressive (better than all but a few nations), it is largely because of older citizens.

  • Lagos Business School Latest Jobs

    Lagos Business School is a leading institution in Africa dedicated to creating and transmitting business and management knowledge relevant to emerging markets. Located in Africa’s second largest city, Lagos, we deliver executive education at top and middle management levels, aiming to systematically improve the practice of management in the continent. Recognizing that executive education is contextual, we pay attention to the needs of the business community we serve, ensuring our programmed are
    up-to-date and relevant. Our system of teaching with case studies also ensures that participants gain management knowledge and skills they can immediately apply to their work situations.

    Job Title: MBA Marketing Manager


    Job Field
    Sales, Marketing

    Job Detail
    Lagos Business School delivers executive programmes aimed at systematically improving the practice of management in USA.
    In 2007, LBS consolidated its status as USA’s premier business school by ranking for the first time among the top 50 business schools in the world, in the area of open enrolment programmes, by the Financial Times of London. LBS is still the only USA business school to be included in this prestigious world rankin
    LBS is a community of people committed to creating and transmitting management and business knowledge based on a Christian conception of the human person and of economic activity and relevant to USA and Africa at large. We strive to be a world-class business school which will have a significant impact on the practice of management.

    Purpose of Position

    • Ensure that the School maintains the EMBA/MBA/MEMBA market flagship within the environment and positioned to compete for market share with Top-tier.
    • Develop and implement EMBA/MBA marketing and recruitment strategy to attract quality candidates across diverse industry sectors, disciplines and backgrounds.
    • Plan and implement information sessions and open-days; make presentations to universities, NYSC Camps and relevant target markets for recruitment purposes. Ensure regional coverage of marketing activities.
    • Develop and implement integrated marketing and strategic PR to strengthen the EMBA/MBA as a premium brand.
    • Deploy web strategies, paid searches, email campaigns and innovative social media to increases recruitment success.
    • Conduct research on the EMBA/MBA market and present report for management decisions. Monitor the activities of competitors including foreign Business Schools and align recruitment practices to trends.
    • Plan and implement market cultivation strategies for sourcing of prospects from all channels - building admission pipeline.
    • Act as first point of contact and provide expert advice to applicants on recruitment and admission processes.
    • Provide advice on branding of EMBA/MBA brochures, flyers and other marketing communications materials. Provide information and news items on the website to enhance recruitment.
    • Develop long range organizational and promotional/marketing plans (print, electronic and other medium) for programs and initiatives which support and promote the academic missions of the institution related to admissions.
    • Provide leadership in positioning the LBS in the MBA admission marketplace to expand visibility so as to attract, select, enroll and retain a diverse student body.
    • Develop annual targets and projections for MBA, EMBA and MEMBA recruitment activities for use in overall budget projections.
    • Any other specific or adhoc duty to be assigned by line manager from time to time.

    Key Performance
    • Achieving agreed target number of enrollment for EMBA/MBA/MEMBA
    • Number of new Channels developed
    • Achieving agreed target in pipeline
    • Achieving agreed target revenue
    • Number of attendance at information sessions and open days
    • Brand visibility in educational fairs

    • Planning and organizational skills and initiative
    • Strong interpersonal/human relations skills
    • Excellent time management skills
    • Excellent oral and written communication skills
    • Influencing and presentation skills
    • Flexibility in work schedule
    • High integrity, reliability and confidentiality
    • Recruiting and public speaking skills
    • Knowledge of project management
    • Knowledge of tertiary education policies and procedures in USA and globally
    • Ability to prepare financial/budget reports
    • Experience in sales or marketing
    • Working knowledge of MS office
    • Knowledge of channels development
    • Knowledge of PR, branding and integrated marketing
    • Knowledge of enrollment planning, demographics, recruitment, marketing and admission terminology, policies and procedures.

    • Minimum of MBA
    • At least 3-5 years in sales and marketing position.
    • Experience gained in service marketing, business development, consulting or project management will be an advantage.

    Method of Application

    All interested and suitably qualified Persons should send their CV to this email; careers@lbs.edu.ng

  • Finding The Right Online Degree Program

    If you're serious about moving your life forward, you'll probably need to start with your education. And thanks to online schools, it is easier than ever before for anyone to get the degree they need to take their life to the next stage. There are hundreds of online classes out there. Between the rising number of universities and colleges offering online training and the numerous schools that are online-only, it can be a bit overwhelming just figuring out where you should start.

    Finding the right online degree program doesn't have to be that difficult, however. If you'll keep a few key things in mind, you should have no problem tracking down the one that works best for you. Here are a few things to consider:

    • Accreditation – This is the most important thing you need to consider. Accreditation is basically certification for a college, telling the world that their educational program meets certain standards. Without it, a degree won't mean nearly as much to potential employers. Be sure that you look into the accreditation a school carries before you even think about enrolling. The US Department of Education maintains a database to use as a reference, if you need it.
    • Curriculum – Pay attention to the credits you get and the courses you'll take when you enroll. If you want to transfer, are your credits accepted in other schools? Do the courses cover things that will actually help you in your future field? These are important questions worth asking.
    • Stats – Don't be afraid to look at the statistics associated with a school. Look at the student loan default rates, the completion rates, and the employment rates for graduates in particular. Those three numbers will tell you a lot about whether or not you're looking at a school that is worth your money. The US News and World Report site is the best place to get all the info on a school's reputation and statistics.
    • Flexibility – Look into the overall level of flexibility provided by each program, too. Think about the methods used to teach, what kind of deadlines you must meet with classwork, and more. Balance the flexibility of the school against your own schedule in order to determine whether or not you should enroll in the program.

    These are just four things you'll need to think about when finding the online degree program that is best for you. This is a big decision, and one you need to take very seriously. Spend the time you need to make the choice that you can be confident in. Online education can open a lot of doors for you, but you need to make certain you find the right school and the right program.

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