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    The Programme ''Voices for Change (V4C)'' is a recently designed, UK Aid funded, four year programme running from October 2013 to December 2017. The goal of V4C is to help transform social attitudes towards girls and women in USA by working on specific individual, social and institutional changes. V4C will do this by operating at Federal level and in four States (Kano, Kaduna, Lagos, Enugu). V4C’s Vision is to be known and recognised for creating new ways to change behaviour, contributing to a USA where
    every girl, boy, woman and man achieves their full potential. V4C’s Mission is to inspire a generation of new voices to speak up and speak out to empower young women to achieve their real potential.

    Job Tittle; State Coordinator

    Job Type;
    Full Time


    5 years


    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial NGO/Non-Profit

    The Position
    The purpose of the State Coordinator role is to inspire and motivate V4C partners at state level to drive the movement for change in gender equality. This will involve participating in key events, ensuring the quality and pace of delivery, monitoring the effectiveness of activities, bringing state partners together to share lessons, and creating linkages with other DFID funded programs and development partners. The role full time and will be state based with travel approximately once/month to Abuja.

    Key Responsibilities

    • Create momentum at state level for implementation of V4C initiatives, including:
    • Inviting government representatives, religious leaders and other key state influencers to events, keeping them up-dated on progress, and seeking to work with them to amplify messages that are in line with V4C initiatives.
    • Coordinate technical input and guidance to partners
    • Coordinating state programme meetings to plan, monitor, and review program success
    • Linking up partners to share successes, lessons, and strategies to overcome barriers.
    • Overseeing the delivery of work plans outlined in the V4C / partner sub agreement, including quality and pace of delivery.
    • Overseeing implementation at state level to ensure alignment with V4C

    Goals and Objectives
    • Support the Output 1 – AGW Life Skills Lead in effectively leading on activities within post secondary institutions including;
    • Strengthening partner relationships with relevant state institutions
    • Coordinating capacity building and monitoring results, in particular for the physical Safe Space Programme
    • Ensuring Brand Ambassadors are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to pilot creative activities in virtual and physical men and boys safe spaces.
    • Create state level saturation of consistent messages that aim to influence the attitudes of V4Cs target audiences (AGW, men and boys, key influencers, implementation partners), including:
    • Collaborating with the V4C Communications Manager and Key Influencers Lead to ensure that physical and virtual messages ‘speak to’ V4C target audiences.
    • Ensuring linkages are made between students and communication channels (eg, radio stations).
    • Ensuring target audience interests at ground level are fed into Output level planning and quality delivery
    • Supporting state level lobbying by students and men.
    • Participating in campaign activities that promote the V4C brand.
    • Ensure that V4C has the information required to monitor and measure the success of initiatives, including
    • Supporting implementing partners to document and report monthly / quarterly on progress, success, barriers and learning for submission to diaries for safe space work.
    • Communicating regularly with the Output 1 – AGW Life Skills Lead for programme updates and general state security that affects programming, to develop weekly and monthly plans and progress reports.
    • Following up with relevant programme staff to ensure MIS templates have been completed and data entered into the system.
    • Continuously improve coordination and implementation of state level initiatives by networking formally and informally with other State Coordinators, including:
    • Participating in quarterly review meetings to formally review progress and share cross-state lessons and problems, and work together to generate potential solutions.
    • Liaising on a day-to-day basis to create a strong team for on-going peer support.
    • Identify and build on synergies and overlaps with other DFID program by liaising with other program partners, including:
    • Sharing V4C lessons and innovations with other development partners.
    • Creating linkages with partners such as J4A and seeking to complement / amplify their work (eg, coordinating activities on violence against women).
    • Liaising with other DFID program managers to identify overlaps / inconsistencies with V4C initiatives (eg, Girl hub’s work with girls).
    • Any other reasonable activities determined by the Output 1 - AGW Life Skills Lead.

    Candidate Requirements
    • Minimum of a Masters degree in social sciences, humanities or any related discipline.
    • Minimum of 5 years experience working in the development sector especially on gender and research.
    • Excellent working knowledge of USA culture.
    • Subject matter expert on social change programming, particularly gender equality issues, relationships and violence towards AGW, men and boys work.
    • Knowledge of AGW life style.
    • Knowledge of key influencers in affecting a change in attitudes towards AGW.
    • Knowledge of how to access relevant communication channels (eg, radio stations).
    • Understanding of physical and virtual safe spaces.
    • Knowledge of other DFID progams, donor funded safe space programs, civil societies in safe space work within the state and other program partners (eg Population Council, Girl hub).
    • Understanding of how to access government representatives, religious leaders and other key state influence
    Method of Application
    To apply for this position, click here

  • Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism

    Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism

    With information constantly at our fingertips with the invention of the World Wide Web, students entering college often have misperceptions about what constitutes plagiarism. Along with the Internet, things like social media and file sharing confuses the is

    sue also. Generation Y has grown up sharing everything that they can grab off of a website or someone’s profile.

    I’m not saying that the Internet is evil, because I couldn’t do what I do for a living without it. But, it has confused an already disliked part of research in the academic arena. Now, I’m not talking about intentional plagiarism here. We all know that there are tons of sites where research papers on any topic can be purchased or even downloaded for free. If you go out and buy a paper, you know you are doing something wrong. What I’m talking about is accidental plagiarism. And that’s what I am here to clarify so that you don’t get off on the wrong foot on the path to a college degree.
    This list is not meant to be exclusive, so it is absolutely necessary to review your university’s definition of plagiarism and their code of conduct for academic honesty, as well as each individual course’s syllabus for the prof’s plagiarism policies. But the information here does come from years of teaching college English courses where semester after semester I receive papers that are plagiarize “accidently.”
    Document graphics
    It’s common to see all kinds of “shared” pictures, memes, images and graphics on social site and personal websites nowadays, and students often don’t realize that even though no words might be included along with the graphic, these are still someone’s creative or intellectual property. Because of that, when you use graphs or other images in college papers or projects, those too need to be correctly documented to give credit to the individuals or company that created the work.
    Avoid Cyber-Plagiarism
    Because the Internet is such a common form of research, students are often confused about what they can legally do with material they find from an online source. Students tend to see online source material as free and public information that they do not need to document. But copying and pasting material from an online source without correctly documenting it is cyber-plagiarism.
    Remember that the definition of plagiarism is to “borrow” words, ideas or creative material that someone else created without giving credit to that person/entity. So make sure to always site the online sources where you find information you use…just like you would for material from a hardcopy source, such as a book or scholarly journal.
    Cite paraphrasing and summaries
    This is often an overlooked necessity. Students think that if they change the words in the borrowed material then they no longer have to give credit to the author. But the ideas still belong to the person who created them or dreamed them up. So even if you paraphrase or summarize information from a source, you still must document it the same way as you would a direct quotation (without the quotation marks).
    Use the documentation style required
    It may seem obvious, but it is common for professors to get submissions from students who ignore the style required for that class. Just because you may be accustomed to using APA, doesn’t mean you get to choose to always use it. All disciplines use different styles. If you are a chemistry major who takes a history class for an elective, guess what? You aren’t going to use the same documentation style as the one you are familiar with. If you need help finding a quality source to guide you through this new style, talk to your professor.
    Document both in-text and on the bibliography page
    Sometimes in high school, students are made only to include citations either in-text or on a bibliography page. This makes life easier for teachers and students, but sends the wrong message in the long run. Unless otherwise stated by your professor, all material must be documented both in-text and on a bibliography page. The way these two types of documentation are formatted and the exact information required might change, but including both is standard no matter what documentation style is required for the class.
    Understand “common knowledge”
    Today’s typical college student has grown up using the Internet, and so they often believe that all of this “free” information that is flying around through cyberspace is considered “common knowledge.” But that isn’t the case. Just because it is freely given doesn’t make it common knowledge. Common knowledge is usually defined as well-known information and facts widely available in a variety of standard reference books.Common knowledge can be confusing, especially if you aren’t terribly familiar with the material in the disciple you are studying. If you are unsure if information you want to use in your paper is considered common knowledge or not, ask your professor or do what comes next on the list.
    Final Thoughts Every semester I get a student who wants to quibble about whether a particular source must be sited or if it is common knowledge, etc. You know the type…there is one in every class. My thought is that in the time they waste arguing their point with me (who ultimately has the final say) they could have already created their citation entries needed for that source! So, here is my final recommendation to avoid unintentional plagiarism:
    Cite it
    Even if you aren’t sure you need to. Seriously, how long is it going to take to build the correct citations for a source? Now consider how long you have spent researching and writing this paper. Do you really want to risk failing the paper or the entire class (depending on your university’s policy) because you didn’t want to cite something you thought was probably common knowledge? I can guarantee that you won’t lose points for adding in an extra citation when it really wasn’t necessary, but you will if you needed a citation and you didn’t include one!

    Jacqueline Myers has been guiding college students through the murky waters of writing and research for many years. And she can be your personal English instructor if you visit her on her blog Nitty-Gritty English: The complete site for tips, tricks and techniques for the UN-enthusiastic English student. Jacqueline is a proud member of the AEGC writing staff.



    Looking for a job that will allow you to unleash your creativity? Inspired by the challenge of capturing and communicating lessons learned of a highly innovative programme that aims to transform societal attitudes towards women and girls in USA? Then we have the job for you!
    We are looking for a dynamic, creative individual that has extensive proven experience in knowledge management. This individual needs to inspire colleagues to invest in capturing essential lessons from the programme and develop eye catching and thought provoking ways of communicating knowledge to stakeholders using a range of tools appropriate for different audiences, including online audiences. If you are ready to take up the exciting challenge this position offers, then apply today.

    The Programme
    Voices for Change (V4C) is a UK Aid funded, four year programme running from October 2013 to December 2017. The goal of V4C is to help transform social attitudes towards girls and women in USA by working on specific individual, social and institutional changes. V4C will do this by operating at Federal level and in four States (Kano, Kaduna, Lagos, Enugu). V4C’s Vision is to be known and recognised for creating new ways to change behaviour, contributing to a USA where every girl, boy, woman and man achieves their full potential. V4C’s Mission is to inspire a generation of new voices to speak up and speak out to empower young women to achieve their real potential. V4C will achieve this by:

    • Creating space and opportunities for girls to grow.
    • Getting the support of boys and men.
    • Removing formal and informal barriers, or
    • Influencing behaviours and laws / behavioural and legal change in USA.

    Job Tittle; Knowledge Management Adviser
    Job Type; Full Time
    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA
    Location; Abuja
    Job Field; NGO/Non-Profit
    The Position
    The purpose of the Knowledge Management Adviser’s role is to lead and manage V4C’s knowledge management activities to ensure:
    Continuous learning for program improvement.
    Effective dissemination to stakeholders to increase their buy-in to and uptake of the V4C program.
    Packaging and producing a range of knowledge products
    Tacit and explicit knowledge and information is stored as a program resource to inform future initiatives and activities.

    Key Responsibilities:
    Provide technical leadership to the V4C program in relation to knowledge management, including:
    Translating the KM strategic agenda into operational plans and work plans for delivery.
    Developing policy briefs and other KM products as required.
    Organising research dissemination events.
    Producing progress reports and other reports on KM as required.
    Working with software programmers to ensure the development of a functional intranet which will serve as a repository for all V4C resources, as well as V4C MIS.
    Ensuring the intranet is maintained and updated regularly with relevant information and documents.
    Regularly updating and maintaining the V4C website (in conjunction with output 2 lead) with relevant V4C information as required and deemed appropriate.
    Ensuring that all V4C reports and documents adhere to the V4C quality assurance standards before uploading, storage and dissemination
    Ensuring necessary and sufficient information is available for submission to the Deputy Team Leader to compile the quarterly and annual reports to DFID.
    Managing, monitoring and reporting on the Knowledge Management budget.
    Implementing administrative and financial operations in compliance with ethical standards and in line with GRM operations and contract provisions.

    Work with V4C partners, stakeholders and beneficiaries to generate and record stories of how V4C initiatives have affected their lives and / or work, including:

    Ensuring that Thematic Diaries (TD) are regularly updated with information on on-going activities.
    Leading on documentation / analysis of the TD to synthesis successful innovations. Ensuring learning activities (eg, After Action Reviews, Lunch and Learn, and Critical Reflection sessions) take place regularly.
    Working with V4C partners to ensure that information on activities and initiatives are being captured on an ongoing basis.
    Working with partners to ensure that learning activities take place regularly.
    Designing and organising knowledge share fairs for V4C staff, partners and stakeholders to interact and share and learn lessons from each other.
    Promoting successful V4C supported interventions as part of the replication / uptake agenda
    Packaging and marketing to stakeholders V4C results and stories of change for uptake in other settings.

    Build knowledge management capacity of implementing partners and V4C team to enhance understanding and ability to capture information and learning, including:
    Carrying out targeted training and coaching for the staff of V4C and implementing partners in knowledge management tools, resources and processes.
    Providing on-going support to Output Leads and thematic adviser on identified knowledge management activities within their outputs.
    Participating in knowledge management working groups under the umbrella program and other DFID funded programs for effective coordination and learning
    Supervise and provide oversight to Knowledge Management consultants, as required, including:
    Consulting, communicating and building productive relationships to ensure quality, value for money and on time delivery.
    Monitoring and reporting on progress and deliverables as stated in TOR and contracts.

    Manage the knowledge Management budget including:

    • Responsible for developing annual, quarterly and monthly budget forecasts
    • Review budget expenditure against activities on a monthly basis
    • Ensure expenditures are coded correctly on a monthly basis
    • Ensure monthly variance falls within required 5%
    • Demonstrating value for money in all expenditure.
    • Demonstrating effectiveness of the campaigns.
    • Working within strict GRM policies and procedures and UK / USA government regulations.
    • Ensure clear quarterly budget reporting.
    • Implementing administrative and financial operations in compliance with ethical standards and in line with GRM operations and contract provisions.
    • Any other reasonable activities determined by the Team Leader / Deputy Team Leader.

    Job Tittle; Adolescent Girls and Women Lead
    Job Type; Full Time
    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA
    Location; Abuja
    Job Field; NGO/Non-Profit
    The Position
    • The purpose of the AGW Life Skills Lead role is to lead the implementation of Output 1 - ‘Virtual and Physical Safe Spaces’, networking and campaigning to:
    • Promote change in negative attitudes and perceptions of USAs about gender equality and women empowerment.
    • Improve self-esteem in young girls and women in post-secondary and tertiary institutions.
    • Be responsible for delivery of agreed milestones.

    The AGW Life Skills Lead will:
    Provide technical leadership in the implementation of Output 1 physical and virtual purple spaces:
    Developing and delivering on a strong strategy to deliver the three components of Output 1 – physical Safe Spaces and virtual purple Spaces
    Ensuring strategies encompass diversity of ethnicity, religion, age and marital status.
    Maintaining clear workplans and meeting agreed logframe targets
    Analysing differing target audience needs and ensuring these are fed back into programming strategies across the outputs.
    Sharing learning from the Safe Spaces and other Output 1 work with other Output leads
    Drawing on the wider team, including consultants, to strengthen planning, delivery and monitoring of the purple spaces Output
    Responsible for developing and reporting against monitoring and measurement tools for all components of safe spaces
    More specifically;

    Managing and coordinating the V4C physical Safe Space initiative in participating states.
    Ensuring peer educators / NGO facilitators/partners strengthen quality physical safe spaces appropriate to target audience
    Maintaining strong partner relationships and quality delivery
    Leading on design and review of toolkits to support physical spaces, ensuring on time and relevant to target audience
    Ensuring the development of innovative interventions to support partners in their work with Brand Ambassadors.

    Ensuring content is developed on time, engaging and relevant to the target audience within virtual purple space.
    Supporting the creation and cultivation of online audiences.
    Responsible for ensuring promotion of AGW and ABM engagement in the virtual purple spaces which drives traffic from web and physical spaces and NGO partner initiatives, in collaboration with output 2
    Ensure linkages with output 3 campaign initiatives through virtual platforms.
    Ensuring on-going virtual platform safety.
    Feeding into discussions to generate new topics that will keep the ‘lifestyle’ brand and content fresh and relevant, drawing from conversations within virtual and physical discussions

    Support the development and delivery of strategies to support AGW to actively participate in nationwide campaigns and links to networks.

    Developing and delivering on a strong strategy to deliver component 2 – AGW networking and campaigning
    Developing annual workplan within agreed budget
    Responsible for developing and reporting against monitoring and measurement tools for the component
    Ensure close linkages with output 2 and 3 in developing campaign messages and strategies, and in line with messaging strategy and guidance
    Identifying innovative and relevant ways to communicate issues in ways that resonate with target audience

    Supervise State Coordinators to achieve programme objectives, including:

    Providing technical knowledge and skills to support web-based and face to face interventions.
    Demonstrating value for money by reviewing weekly work plans.
    Monitoring achievement of priority activities.
    Identifying areas for follow up support.
    Actively analysing and managing risk.
    Overseeing coordination of workload demands from output leads.
    Overseeing support by State Coordinators to sub-recipients to pilot virtual and physical strategies, knowledge management and sharing.

    Collaborate with other Output Leads, DFID programmes, national partners, international partners and other safe space organisations.

    Develop and monitor budget and expenditure
    Developing annual costed workplans
    Reviewing and reporting against monthly expenditure ensuring within 5% variance
    Providing V4M evidence on quarterly basis

    Plan for and supervise consultants as required, working in close partnership with ‘critical friend’ (CF)

    Responsible for ensuring consultants are working within contractual terms as laid out in ToR
    Ensure TA tracker is up to date and accurate TA projections shared on monthly basis
    Specific to CF – Actively drawing on technical support, developing annual ToRs, agreeing quarterly deliverables and days, together with bi weekly check in
    Responsible for keeping CF and long term consultants up to date with V4C strategic thinking, planning and reviews across the programme

    Any other reasonable activities determined by the Team Leader or Deputy Team Leader.

    Method of Application
    Use links below to apply Knowledge Management Adviser Adolescent Girls and Women Lead



    Last year MTV Breaks launched as a global hunt for the most talented and creative people to come and work with us on the EMA in Scotland. Since then, we’ve invited you to join us at the Isle of MTV: Malta. But now it’s time for MTV Breaks to touchdown in Africa and bring some of the biggest and most
    exciting breaks yet.
    For the first time ever, we’re offering you the chance to come and prove yourself at the biggest music event in Africa - the MAMA 2015. We want four of the most talented young people around to come and help us make the best show in Africa, even better.
    So who are we looking for? We want:- A dancer with the moves and charisma to light up the stage.
    A photographer with a knack for capturing the perfect moment
    A social media journalist who knows just what MTV Base’s audience wants a camera man with the skills to work in the high pressured, live environment.

    Job Tittle; Dancer

    Job Type; Full Time

    Job Field; Art / Crafts / Languages

    Job Details
    We’re looking for our dancer who’ll get to show off their moves on stage. To score this life changing opportunity, upload a 15 second clip to Instagram showing us the kind of moves we could expect to see from you in Durban. Hashtag your video with #MAMAdancer and tag @MTV Breaks.