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  • The Why and How of Outlining for College Students

    The Why and How of Outlining for College Students

    College-Scholarships College students should outline. There, I said it. I know this isn’t a popular idea, believe me. The problem is that elementary and secondary teachers, bless their souls, have ruined this useful tool by forcing beginning writers to adhere to a formal outline structure that stifles creativity and ultimately negates the benefits of outlining.
    Outlines are really just a way to organize our thoughts before we start trying to communicate on paper. It’s a way to get all of our ideas about a topic out of our head and onto paper. It’s a way to organize our thoughts so that we can maneuver them into a meaningful message to our reader. They are something that no one except the writer needs to “approve”…if it works for you, it is “correct.”
    Outlines are not meant to be an exact blueprint for your essay. Outlines, like essays, should be living documents that change as your ideas on the topic develop and morph. This development and metamorphosis should not be seen as “failure,” but as a mature way of understanding how writing works. Writing isn’t a linear process, so then, how can outlining be? If the formal outline makes you cringe, consider using one or more of these ideas to formulate a style of outlining that will work for you.
    Mind-mapping is no longer for 4th-graders! Mind-mapping is a legit way to allow your creativity to flow while putting order to it all so that you can coherently communicate your ideas.I think more students would benefit from using this type of an organizational tool. It helps you see relationships between ideas/points/facts. It also helps you visualize which points are major and which are minor ones. In fact, there are now several free mind-mapping sites available to anyone with Internet access.
    Informal Outlining
    Who says you have to use Roman numerals to create a meaningful outline? Not me! I can do it on a napkin at my local café or on a Word doc using bullet points. This style of outlining includes writing sentences or phrases that encapsulate each point you wish to make about the topic and then listing supporting points under each. From there you can move the points around until you organize the essay in the way that will be most beneficial to your reader.
    Zero Drafting
    Sometimes you have so many seemingly-random ideas in your head revolving around your writing topic that you can’t even begin to put it all in any type of an order. That is when the zero draft can help! This type of draft, just like any outlining/prewriting, is for your eyes only. It’s not even a 1st draft and no one else will ever know it existed, so there is no pressure. It can be imagined as rumination regurgitation. Everything you have thought about on the topic is just written down in no particular order. Then it is all there for you to go through later to decide what points are related to other ones and how they flow together. Color-coding is helpful in turning the zero draft into organized chaos.
    You shouldn’t confuse this with the handouts you colored in kindergarten! Color-coding is a genuine way of organizing your thoughts into different categories so that you can create a plan for communicating your ideas. Use highlighters, colored pencils, crayons, gel pens, whatever. Allow your left and right brains to work together by incorporating this strategy in your outlining efforts.

    Jacqueline Myers has been guiding college students through the murky waters of writing and research for many years. And she can be your personal English instructor if you visit her on her blog Nitty-Gritty English: The complete site for tips, tricks and techniques for the UN-enthusiastic English student. Jacqueline is a proud member of the AEGC writing staff.

  • Latest Job Vacancy at International Development Organization (IDO) USA

    An International Development Organization IDO is seeking applications from qualified USA nationals for the following positions which is shown below

    Job Title: Grants Officer

    Location Abuja

    Job Field NGO, Non-Profit

    Job Description
    The Grants Officer is responsible for supporting a distinct portfolio of program activities. This includes developing grant ideas in collaboration with Program Development Office, supporting and monitoring grant implementation, closing grants and maintaining all required electronic and paper files. S/he will closely coordinate with Program Development Officers to ensure that projects are developed and implemented in a manner that advances project goals and current strategy objectives. This position will be based at the head office, located in Abuja, with program activities expected to be carried out in the North Eastern states.

    Manage all aspects of assigned grant portfolio throughout all stages of project development, implementation and closure. Manage associated timelines and donor reporting requirements for individual grant activities. Maintain internal trackers, such as the grant status and closing trackers. Monitor grant portfolio pipeline of financial commitments and disbursements.
    Serve as a key point of contact for information on related project issues, coordination with partner organizations and sociopolitical and development trends.
    Develop project ideas in coordination with Program Development Office.
    Manage strategy objectives/action plan for assigned grant portfolio per the approved work plan.
    Draft project ideas with estimated budgets and present them in internal Grant Review Committee meetings.
    Prepare project proposals in grant database incorporating project objectives, activities, deliverables, monitoring and evaluation plan, media plan, budget and timeline.
    Ensure compliance with donor and organizational policies, procedures and regulations, throughout activity implementation. Ensure thorough, audit-compliant documentation.
    Monitor project progress against the approved project implementation timeline; identify delays and work closely with Program Development Office to ensure projects stay on track.
    Track overall project development and identify trends to document ‘success stories’ and ‘lessons learned’.
    Engage in overall political analysis, impact assessment, and participate in strategy development to advance the project goals.
    Review and contribute to the Final Evaluation Reports and prepare project documents for closing.
    Coordinate with staff in all departments to complete assigned tasks; engage in regular coordination with Program, Procurement and Finance units to quickly resolve implementation issues.
    Travel to project sites for follow up/support on activity implementation, as needed.
    Perform other tasks, as assigned.


    • University degree in public administration, economics, finance, business management or a related field is required.
    • Five years’ experience in grants management is required.
    • Prior experience with internationally-funded projects is highly desirable.
    • Demonstrated experience reviewing and negotiating budgets, reviewing financial reports, preparing for and monitoring audits of grantees, and file management.
    • Proficiency at using Microsoft office software: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc. is required.
    • Ability to work under pressure and efficiently handle multiple tasks
    • Ability to work under own initiative or as a part of a team
    • Experience of working in a conflict environment is a plus.
    • Fluency in oral and written English is required.
    • Fluency in one or more of the local state languages in the North Eastern part of USA is required

    Method Of Application
    All interested and suitably Qualified Candidates should forward their CV to the following email; USA_recruitment@neri-USA.com



    The World Bank is a United Nations international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs. The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group, and a member of the United Nations Development Group.
    Job Tittle; Country Director

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; MBA/MSc/MA PhD/Fellowship

    Experience; 12 - 15 years

    Location; Abuja

    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial

    Background / General description
    Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 4 year renewable term appointment.
    The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in race, gender, nationality, culture, and educational background. Individuals with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.

    The global development community is at an auspicious turning point in history. Thanks to the success of the past few decades and favorable economic growth, developing countries now have an unprecedented opportunity to end extreme poverty within a generation. This is the vision of the WBG: to eradicate extreme poverty by reducing the number of people living on less than $1.25 a day to 3 percent by 2030, and promote shared prosperity by fostering the income growth of the bottom 40 percent in every country.
    To achieve this vision, the WBG Board of Governors has approved a strategy for the organization. This strategy leverages, for the first time, the combined strength of the WBG institutions and their unique ability to partner with the public and private sectors to deliver customized development solutions backed by finance, world class knowledge and convening services. The strategy has three components: (1) maximizing development impact by engaging country clients in identifying and tackling the most difficult development challenges; (2) promoting scaled-up partnerships that are strategically aligned with the goals; and (3) crowding in public and private resources, expertise and ideas.
    The architecture underpinning the strategy and instrumental to its success is the establishment of fourteen Global Practices and five Cross-Cutting Solution Areas that, in concert with the WBG Regions, will design solutions that address clients’ most pressing developmental challenges, and ultimately, enable the WBG to meet its twin goals of eliminating extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity

    Established in 1944, the WBG is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for development solutions. In fiscal year 2013, the WBG committed $52.6 billion in loans, grants, equity investments and guarantees to its members and private businesses, of which $16.3 billion was concessional finance to its poorest members. It is governed by 188 member countries and delivers services out of 120 offices with nearly 15,000 staff located globally.
    The WBG consists of five specialized institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The World Bank is organized into six client-facing Regional Vice-Presidencies, several corporate functions, and fourteen Global Practices as well as five Cross-Cutting Solution Areas to bring best-in-class knowledge and solutions to regional and country clients.

    The Africa Region, which is comprised of approximately 900 staff members, mostly based in 38 field offices, is committed to helping Africa realize its considerable development potential, with a focus on employment generation. The core values guiding our work are passion for our mission of sustainable poverty reduction with keen attention to quality and trans-formative impact, putting the needs of the client at the center of all our activities, trust and respect as a common currency, intellectual rigor and curiosity, honesty and integrity, teamwork, openness to learning and the courage to admit we do not always have the answer.
    Sub-Saharan Africa has a population of around 800 million people in 48 countries, and is a vibrant and changing environment for development work. The last two decades of democratic elections and, in some countries multiparty systems has created a greater openness to pro-poor reforms. A vibrant civil society has become increasingly vocal on policy issues, and US citizens are more and more holding politicians accountable for their actions (although there are variations across countries). Regional institutions, such as AU/NEPAD are applying peer pressure on national leaders to improve their performance.
    Until the onset of the global financial and economic crisis, Africa had been experiencing a period of sustained and widespread growth. In addition to the oil exporters, some 22 non-oil-exporting countries were experiencing better-than-four-percent growth for a decade and two third of the population lived in countries that had grown by between 5.9 and 8.1 percent per year. The sources of this growth were three-fold: (i) external resources—aid, debt relief, private capital flows and remittances were all increasing; (ii) strong commodity prices and a buoyant global economy; and (iii) improved macroeconomic policies, reflected for instance in the fact that the median inflation rate in the mid-2000s was about half that in the mid-1990s.
    While the overall business climate in Africa is the weakest in the world, several countries—including some fragile states—have made great strides in improving their environment for business. What is emerging as a result is a growing region, with setbacks from time to time, that is increasingly seen as a destination for investment as much as for aid; and one where leaders are increasingly willing to address problems of poor governance that harms development effectiveness.
    The Africa Region seeks to seize this unprecedented opportunity to better support our clients in realizing the ambition of eradicating extreme poverty and boosting prosperity.

    With a population of about 170 million people, USA is the largest country in Africa and accounts for 47% of West Africa’s population. It is also the biggest oil exporter in Africa, with the largest natural gas reserves in the continent. With these large reserves of human and natural resources, the country is poised to build a prosperous economy, significantly reduce poverty, and provide health, education and infrastructure services to meet its population needs.
    Since 1999, USA embarked on an ambitious reform agenda. The most far reaching of those was to base the budget on a conservative reference price for oil, with excess saved in a special Excess Crude Account (ECA). The economy responded with strong growth between 2003 and 2014 – averaging over 7%. Weaknesses in the oil sector have increased macroeconomic risks. Oil accounts for close to 90% of exports and roughly 75% of consolidated budgetary revenues. Declining oil revenues in 2014-15 will provide additional budgetary challenges, against the additional backdrop of Presidential elections.
    USA was among the first countries to adopt and implement the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) to improve governance and oil sector. The power sector reform initiative was launched in 2005, recognizing that improving power sector performance is critical to address development challenges. The challenging process of implementing reforms was revitalized in August 2010 through the 2010 Roadmap, which clearly outlines the government’s strategy and actions to undertake comprehensive power sector reform to expand supply, open the door to private investment and address some the chronic sector issues hampering improvement of service delivery.
    USA is both AFR’s largest IDA recipient, with a lending envelope of approximately USD1.5b per year, and has recently moved to blend status, giving it also access to IBRD resources. The coming years thus provide a unique opportunity to support the government in tackling range of pressing development needs. With a strong federal structure, and States responsible for service delivery in the social sectors, the Bank has increasingly engaged state level reform and IDA investments. Enhancing the volume and effectiveness of social spending will be critical to tackle pervasive poverty and poor local indicators. In addition, USA faces a large income gap between the South, and Northern States, with the latter also affected by the Boko Haram terrorism and violence. Hence, USA has both elements of middle-income challenges (such as urbanization in Lagos State) and fragility (in the North and oil delta region) that need to be addressed simultaneously in the Bank’s engagement.
    Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 4 year term appointment.

    Duties and Accountabilities:
    The Country Director is accountable for performing the responsibilities, modeling the behaviors and maintaining the technical competencies (listed below) in his or her capacity as a member of the Regional Management Team in the Africa Region. Accountability means being answerable for managing quality, risks, results, institutional initiatives and compliance with Bank policies and procedures.

    The Country Director is responsible for performing activities in the following areas:

    Business Management responsibilities:
    Manages the day-to-day operations of the country office.
    Leads or support the coordination and delivery of the Bank’s strategy and related work program.
    Manages the day-to-day dialogue with the Government on a broad range of policy and implementation issues
    Provides ongoing updates, guidance, advice and support on local political, social, economic and other relevant developments country team members, including visiting missions as needed.
    Develops and implements the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), with special attention to transformative non-lending and lending interventions at the sub-regional, country, practice and program levels that produce practical, visible and sustainable development results.
    Supports the development and monitors the implementation of high quality work programs and sector strategies that are based on the CPFs and are attuned to client demand and country contexts.
    Provides oversight on portfolio (including trust fund) management and quality issues, working with clients and the country teams to provide timely and effective implementation support.
    Oversees, supported by an operations adviser, the regional integration portfolio for West Africa

    People/ Talent Management responsibilities:
    Leads and motivates the country teams with a focus on client orientation, development outcomes, strong cross-practice coordination and problem solving, and takes responsibility for achieving and communicating these outcomes with operational staff, Global Practice technical staff, and the country management team.
    Manages the functioning of CMU and RI West unit in partnership with global practice management, models integrity and inclusion, offers mentoring and development opportunities for local and international staff.

    Resource Management responsibilities:
    Ensures that deployment of Bank's resources are consistent with Resource Management rules, policies and internal controls
    Sets priorities and allocates budget within and across countries, in line with institutional priorities and a view to maximizing the impact and value-added of the Bank's activities.
    Relationship Management responsibilities: (Internal and External):
    Maintains strong partnerships with the governments concerned, development partners, civil society, media, the private sector, and other stakeholders to further the aid effectiveness agenda. Exercises courageous and transformative leadership in dialogue
    Leads or maintains and further strengthens the relationship and policy dialogue on a broad range of economic and sectoral issues with the Government and key stakeholders. This includes conveying government positions and concerns to the Country Director and Country Team; clarifying the Bank’s advice, perspectives, and policies/procedures as needed, helping both Government and the Country Team translate policy objectives into concrete development proposals.
    Works proactively and innovatively with IFC and MIGA to leverage World Bank financial and technical support, including with the private sector.
    Appreciates the complexities and relevance of political economy considerations on the Bank’s development effectiveness in USA and collaborates appropriately with other CDs, regional and sub-regional institutions in West Africa, and other partners to enhance such effectiveness.

    Knowledge Management responsibilities:
    Embraces good corporate citizenship, including contributing to the development, implementation and communication of corporate policies, strategies and priorities (including ongoing reforms in investment lending, knowledge management, HR policies, and the “Global Bank”).
    Champions regional management initiatives.

    Implements and is accountable for a Country Office/regional security and safety program covering Bank Group personnel (including registered dependents, travelers on Bank Group business, etc.), property, programs and information in the assigned Country Offices.
    Represents the Bank in the c

    Selection Criteria:
    PhD or Master’s degree in relevant field/discipline and substantial professional experience (typically the successful candidate will have about 12 to 15 years of experience in positions of increasing complexity and responsibility).
    Prior work experience in achieving results on the ground in more than one world region (including both pre-Bank and Bank experience). A corporate assignment (e.g. Network, Anchor, DEC, WBI, FAC Units) may substitute for experience in a second world region.
    Sound operational experience, including thorough knowledge of Bank Group policies, programs, products, and procedures, and exposure to economic and sector work, CPF, and PRSP activities. Demonstrated results in lending and non-lending products, portfolio management, and implementation support.
    Strong strategic orientation in order to link macro and sector strategies as well as lending and non-lending services within a consistent development framework, and to anchor and integrate the overall economic and sector policy dialogue.
    Ability to innovate and leverage the Bank’s knowledge and lending tools, beyond the direct financial contribution of the Bank.

    Outstanding WBG managers demonstrate the confidence in their convictions and the integrity to express themselves to peers and superiors even if it is easier or more comfortable to refrain from speaking up. They have the confidence, balanced with humility and judgment, to operate with the intent of doing what is right for the WBG and its clients. Key themes include: confidence, resilience, agility, judgment and adaptability.

    GI level description:
    Takes on challenges in a very diplomatic way, seeing them as an opportunity for both personal and organizational improvement. Pushes back against one's peers, manager and others higher in the organization, and clients, when necessary or in the best interests of the WBG mission and its clients. Advances bold ideas in the face of resistance (internal and external), especially when they are consistent with the WBG mission and values.

    Leading the Team for Impact
    Outstanding WBG managers focus on the WBG purpose and mission in order to provide on-going clarity and vision to their teams. They align capabilities and resources around the WBG mission. They create an energizing and empowering work environment where people are engaged and have the resources necessary to do their jobs, while holding team members accountable for results and improvement. Key themes include: building, focusing, constructing, empowering and aligning teams through clarity and resources.

    GI level description:
    Inspires through linking the vision of their department/organization to the WBG mission. Ensures that others buy into the vision through taking symbolic actions and reinforcing desired changes. Energizes through positive encouragement and reinforcement for thinking about possibilities of what can be done versus what can't be done. Aligns people around the WBG mission as a way to focus people on the most critical priorities. Includes resolving competing priorities as they exist.

    Influencing Across Boundaries
    Outstanding WBG managers persuade, convince and create buy-in for ideas and initiatives in order to advance their own goals and strategies, consistent with the WBG mission and vision. Key themes include: having a positive impact on others through varying sophistication of influence techniques, scope of impact and effective navigation through the culture.

    GI level description:
    Takes a broad view of the organization, seeking to influence across multiple departments in order to advance initiatives. Displays awareness and respect to other's position when making a case for an opposing opinion. Anticipates other's reactions, preparing responses and contingency plans in advance. Crafts an argument unique to the individual in order to gain buy-in and participation; engages the heart and mind of the individual by making one's point of view relevant to them and by connecting with their emotions.

    Fostering Openness to New Ideas
    Outstanding WBG managers create open and innovative climates for the people around them. They are transparent, open to divergent views and encouraging of these attributes in others. They promote broad thinking and frank discussion, welcoming others' input into the decision-making process, and they build on others' ideas. Key themes include: openness, humility, true two-way communication, strategic thinking and the space to be innovative without negative repercussions.

    GI level description:
    Creates and models norms around how others should interact. Encourages and supports the people with whom they come into contact to embrace differences, create transparency and promote frank and respectful discussions. Changes systems or processes to encourage more open communication and to facilitate new ways of doing things.
    Building Talent for the Future
    Outstanding WBG managers build people's capabilities for the future by supporting and leveraging the diversity of staff in terms of their race, gender, nationality, culture, educational and professional backgrounds. They create growth opportunities for others, encouraging them to stretch beyond their current experience or comfort zone. They provide ongoing feedback and development, including long term career development and mentoring, as well as hold their team members accountable for developing others. Key themes include: Supporting the growth of all staff to further their development technically, professionally and personally to better address clients and WBG's mission.
    GI level description:
    Creates opportunities for development, such as full job change or project assignments (as appropriate for their career path) in order to grow their breadth of knowledge and/or leadership capability; may include moving people to different groups or business units. Makes the time to reach out to key talent to mentor them and determine their aspirations, both within and outside the immediate team, regardless of benefit to own self. Identifies future leaders in the organization and develops them over the long-term, incorporating building leadership and WBG specific behaviors. Prioritizes the development of diverse talent in order to ensure that the Bank's staff is able to meet the needs our of clients both now and in the future. Holds team members accountable for providing development opportunities and activities for their people.

    Core Competencies:
    Lead and Innovate- Mobilizes the organization for innovation.
    Deliver Results for Clients- Leads an organization that focuses on results for clients and impact rather than transactions or processes.
    Collaborate Within Teams and Across Boundaries- Takes accountability for collaboration at all levels of the WBG and with external partners.
    Create, Apply and Share Knowledge- Drives a culture where knowledge is created, applied, and shared to strengthen WBG’s leadership role, development impact and to improve solutions for internal and/or external clients.
    Make Smart Decisions- Models decisiveness and accountability.

    Method of Application
    To apply for this position, click here


    Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) is the pioneer and leader of the petroleum industry in USA. We invest heavily in our employees, which is reflected in our industry-leading development programme and our commitment to see our employees’ ideas travel and come to fruition.
    Our commitment and your drive will meet and help unlock your own potential and push forward Shell’s continuous innovation. We look for ways to reduce the environmental impact of our operations: our global pool of experts and the fact that our employees can tap into that diverse pool of expertise
    will help our commitment to supply USA and beyond with our oil products.
    The company's operations are concentrated in the Niger Delta and adjoining shallow offshore areas where it operates in an oil mining lease area of around 30,000 square kilometers.
    We are recruiting to fill the following vacant positions:

    Job Tittle; Investigator

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND

    Experience; 5 years

    Location; Rivers

    Job Field; Finance / Accounting / Audit

    Job Description
    We are currently looking for an experienced Investigator with travel levels up to 40% to join our Business Integrity Department (BID). The BID is a specialist unit within Shell Internal Audit that is responsible for managing the Shell Global Helpline and Code of Conduct Compliance Incident Reporting and providing expertise in the area of fraud prevention and detection including training and reputation due diligence. We will provide you with outstanding benefits, development opportunities as well as career advancement.
    The Investigator will be expected to support and conduct investigations which may involve, but are not limited to, fraud, theft, bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, anti-trust and may involve employees, contract employees, vendors/suppliers and others into potential breaches of the Code of Conduct, company policy and the law to maximize success and minimize liability and to effectively facilitate management decision-making including consequence management. Key responsibilities will include but not limited to
    • Plan and execute investigations into possible violations of the Code of Conduct, company policy and relevant laws.
    • Identify accounting and internal control weaknesses, and determine the quantum of potential and actual loss.
    • Conduct witness and subject interviews, collection, preservation and analysis of evidence (digital and hard copy) to appropriate court standards.
    • Prepare detailed written reports subject to third party review (civil and/or criminal) and testify as required in legal proceedings.
    • Manage whistle blowers while maintaining the strict confidence.
    • Liaise effectively and maintain a network of contacts with relevant law enforcement agencies, criminal justice bodies and other key stakeholders.
    • Manage third party contractors including forensic accounting firms and forensic IT contractors.
    • Respond to company emergency situations that may require travels at short notice
    • Participate in various audit activities as required.

    A bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, forensic accounting or Law with 5-7 years substantial experience within a major corporate organization in law enforcement, and conducting investigations into fraud or financial crimes. The preferred candidate should have a proven track record of analyzing vast amounts of data and information and cutting through to the key elements without getting lost in the detail (Speed and Simplicity).
    • Ideally a result oriented, confident self-starter with high level energy and creative ideas.
    • Deliver sound judgment in relation to the requirements of assessing compliance matters in an international context
    • Able to judge an audience and deliver information in a relevant, concise and clear manner.
    • Operates with unquestionable honesty and integrity and ability to maintain a high level of objectivity.
    • Strong conceptual and problem solving skills with ability to grasp complex situations.
    • Able to operate in culturally sensitive situations while taking a structured and effective approach to challenge.
    • Stellar communication, interpersonal and data analytic skills.
    • Able to operate in fast-paced, rapidly changing environment.

    All interested candidates should apply online here



    Girl Hub is a strategic collaboration between the Nike Foundation and the UK Department for International Development (DFID), based in the UK, currently operating in three US countries, and with plans to open in India and elsewhere. Some international travel will be required.
    The Nike Foundation is a powerful agent for real change and poverty alleviation in the developing world. The Foundations' focus is on adolescent girls - its investments are centered on programmes and initiatives that enable young girls to realize their potential and transform their world, so unleashing a ripple effect of change. The work of the Nike Foundation is designed to get girls on the global agenda and drive resources to them; ensuring ideas become real solutions that deliver tangible and sustainable results. In this way, the Nike Foundation fuels the girl effect (www.girleffect.org)- the unique potential of 250 million adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves and the world. Girl Hub is looking for dedicated girls, who are passionate about contributing to USA girls realising their potential:

    Position; Technology Enabled Girl Ambassador (TEGA)

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; Secondary School (SSCE)

    Location; Kano

    Job Field; NGO/Non-Profit

    Job Types: Contract (One year)

    TEGA is a bespoke research network of girls aged 16 and above established in 2013 to help Girl Hub and its partners in research and insights gathering in a way that tells the stories of girls as has never been done. TEGA is Northern USA's first, and to date, only youth, mobile-based peer-to-peer research network.
    It is designed to enable us, and our like-minded partners to gain a safe, authentic insight into this hard-to-reach audience. This insight enables and catalyses accurately designed interventions, programs, assets, and services that meet the current needs of Northern USA's most vulnerable girl.
    TEGA currently comprises of 20 girls, each of whom research 4-6 vulnerable girls. Via modified mobile devices, we disseminate research tasks to her, She captures her findings via video and photo content, delivers them to us via an app.
    The TEGA programme has been successfully piloted over 5 weeks. During this period, 20 TEGAs embraced their new roles with gusto and created over 1500 videos and 600 photos.
    This collective body of content has given us the most comprehensive intimate and authentic insights of the Arewa (Northern) girl we have ever encountered.
    Being a teenage girl in USA is not always easy; being a hard to reach girls is even less easy. But TEGAs are our safest methodology to reaching girls and getting their stories to share with the world.
    TEGA are at the heart of our research, no matter your background, you will need to be able to represent girls across USA by amplifying their voices and sharing their stories to inspire, inform and entertain.
    As a TEGA you are giving a voice to USA girls through engaging and delivering relevant insights and information using technology that includes videos, Emojis, photography and mobile.
    A TEGA embodies the spirit and values of an Arewa girl and is an inspiring, positive role model for girls.

    The Opportunity
    This is an incredible opportunity to become part of TEGA and be trained in mobile tech researching, to use text, video, photography on mobile to capture girls’ reality.
    The skills and experience you gain as being part of TEGA will be valuable in any career or path you choose to pursue in the future.

    Key Roles and Responsibilities

    • As a TEGA, you will need to be fully committed to the role for one year. You will be required to:
    • Generate and develop insights - you will be gathering stories by following leads shared by girls from districts across Kano state.
    • Conduct interviews and liaise with girls, families and communities - you will work closely with the TEGA tech team, TEGA trainers to plan and coordinate field-interviews and reporting activities.
    • Bring and contribute ideas and stories to editorial meetings and workshops.
    • Identify and define the stories that are most important and representative of northern USA girls
    • Work closely with the GH team identify and reach the right girls for insights gathering
    • Monitor target audience and changes in attitude towards girls' education in Kano state.
    • Write basic reports and be able to present back to an adult audience.

    • Don't worry, we don't expect you to be able to already have knowledge outlined in the above roles and responsibilities, you don't need to be a ready-made interviewer and storyteller. But what TEGA needs is for you to:
    • Have a hunger, curiosity and enthusiasm for TEGA; be passionate about sharing girls' stories and about making a change for girls in USA.
    • Be able to work with a team of people and assist in group set-ups.
    • Have the ability to interact with a diverse range of people.
    • Be able to work independently to meet task deadlines and source content.
    • Have a basic ability to read and write English.
    • Have a good level of Hausa reading and writing ability.
    • Have a passion for storytelling.
    • Be over the age of 16.
    • Live in Kano.

    TEGA is Offering
    Foundation technology based research interview training.
    A certificate from an international certification agency
    An opportunity to represent girls' voices by gathering insights and sharing girls’ stories.
    This is not a paid position; you will be entitled to transport, meals and honorarium for tasks undertaken.

    Method of Application
    Interested and qualified candidates should send a cover letter including: your name, age, where you're from and why you want to work as TEGA. Along with this, tell us a story that you think is unique about a girl and can make the readers think of her differently to: ghninfo@girlhub.org Your application can be in Hausa or English and must be one page long.

  • Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism

    Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism

    With information constantly at our fingertips with the invention of the World Wide Web, students entering college often have misperceptions about what constitutes plagiarism. Along with the Internet, things like social media and file sharing confuses the is

    sue also. Generation Y has grown up sharing everything that they can grab off of a website or someone’s profile.

    I’m not saying that the Internet is evil, because I couldn’t do what I do for a living without it. But, it has confused an already disliked part of research in the academic arena. Now, I’m not talking about intentional plagiarism here. We all know that there are tons of sites where research papers on any topic can be purchased or even downloaded for free. If you go out and buy a paper, you know you are doing something wrong. What I’m talking about is accidental plagiarism. And that’s what I am here to clarify so that you don’t get off on the wrong foot on the path to a college degree.
    This list is not meant to be exclusive, so it is absolutely necessary to review your university’s definition of plagiarism and their code of conduct for academic honesty, as well as each individual course’s syllabus for the prof’s plagiarism policies. But the information here does come from years of teaching college English courses where semester after semester I receive papers that are plagiarize “accidently.”
    Document graphics
    It’s common to see all kinds of “shared” pictures, memes, images and graphics on social site and personal websites nowadays, and students often don’t realize that even though no words might be included along with the graphic, these are still someone’s creative or intellectual property. Because of that, when you use graphs or other images in college papers or projects, those too need to be correctly documented to give credit to the individuals or company that created the work.
    Avoid Cyber-Plagiarism
    Because the Internet is such a common form of research, students are often confused about what they can legally do with material they find from an online source. Students tend to see online source material as free and public information that they do not need to document. But copying and pasting material from an online source without correctly documenting it is cyber-plagiarism.
    Remember that the definition of plagiarism is to “borrow” words, ideas or creative material that someone else created without giving credit to that person/entity. So make sure to always site the online sources where you find information you use…just like you would for material from a hardcopy source, such as a book or scholarly journal.
    Cite paraphrasing and summaries
    This is often an overlooked necessity. Students think that if they change the words in the borrowed material then they no longer have to give credit to the author. But the ideas still belong to the person who created them or dreamed them up. So even if you paraphrase or summarize information from a source, you still must document it the same way as you would a direct quotation (without the quotation marks).
    Use the documentation style required
    It may seem obvious, but it is common for professors to get submissions from students who ignore the style required for that class. Just because you may be accustomed to using APA, doesn’t mean you get to choose to always use it. All disciplines use different styles. If you are a chemistry major who takes a history class for an elective, guess what? You aren’t going to use the same documentation style as the one you are familiar with. If you need help finding a quality source to guide you through this new style, talk to your professor.
    Document both in-text and on the bibliography page
    Sometimes in high school, students are made only to include citations either in-text or on a bibliography page. This makes life easier for teachers and students, but sends the wrong message in the long run. Unless otherwise stated by your professor, all material must be documented both in-text and on a bibliography page. The way these two types of documentation are formatted and the exact information required might change, but including both is standard no matter what documentation style is required for the class.
    Understand “common knowledge”
    Today’s typical college student has grown up using the Internet, and so they often believe that all of this “free” information that is flying around through cyberspace is considered “common knowledge.” But that isn’t the case. Just because it is freely given doesn’t make it common knowledge. Common knowledge is usually defined as well-known information and facts widely available in a variety of standard reference books.Common knowledge can be confusing, especially if you aren’t terribly familiar with the material in the disciple you are studying. If you are unsure if information you want to use in your paper is considered common knowledge or not, ask your professor or do what comes next on the list.
    Final Thoughts Every semester I get a student who wants to quibble about whether a particular source must be sited or if it is common knowledge, etc. You know the type…there is one in every class. My thought is that in the time they waste arguing their point with me (who ultimately has the final say) they could have already created their citation entries needed for that source! So, here is my final recommendation to avoid unintentional plagiarism:
    Cite it
    Even if you aren’t sure you need to. Seriously, how long is it going to take to build the correct citations for a source? Now consider how long you have spent researching and writing this paper. Do you really want to risk failing the paper or the entire class (depending on your university’s policy) because you didn’t want to cite something you thought was probably common knowledge? I can guarantee that you won’t lose points for adding in an extra citation when it really wasn’t necessary, but you will if you needed a citation and you didn’t include one!

    Jacqueline Myers has been guiding college students through the murky waters of writing and research for many years. And she can be your personal English instructor if you visit her on her blog Nitty-Gritty English: The complete site for tips, tricks and techniques for the UN-enthusiastic English student. Jacqueline is a proud member of the AEGC writing staff.

  • Silicon Minds

    The guys at Microsoft Research announced a very exciting competition: the silicon minds challenge. The goal of the competition is to foster novel ideas in the area of game AI.

    Many years ago I wrote a computer game called De Profundis where I was in charge (among other things) of the game AI. Moving on to become an AI researcher it is interesting to reminisce and draw some connections.

    On one hand, the game AI field is the perfect arena to try out new ideas for AI researchers. For AI researchers working on agents, planning and human interaction (speech, NLP) I could imagine it would be extremely valueable to interact with MMORPG's (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games). I don't know whether anyone in the research community has ever done this before, but having an unlimited source of humans to interact with seems like quite the experimental setup. This also applies to virtual worlds like second life ofcourse. AI Research has contributed to the game AI field ofcourse, so let me highlight two recent projects:

    1. The university of Alberta games group: these guys do some amazing work on several kinds of games. As far as I understand it, most of their efforst are focussed on games where the mathematics are in some sense understood: chess, poker,... What I mean by the mathematics are understood is that with infinite computational capabilities, we would be able to solve these games. The U of A group also do some work on AI for real time strategy games (e.g. Age of Empires). A mathematical analysis of these games is much harder (if possible at all). The AI necessary for these games is much closer to what I would think of as strong AI.
    2. The Applied Games Group at Microsoft research: the organizers of the silicon minds challenge have developed a few innovations for game AI themselves. Their machine learning approach to inferring gamer skills (know as TrueSkill) is used by the XBox Live service. They have also enhanced Forza Motorsport with a reinforcement learning agent that learns to drive from observing human drivers.

    Unfortunately, the game AI field has very special requirements that prohibit the use of many innovations from the research community. First and foremost, game AI are supposed to make games more fun. More sophisticated agents do not necessarily mean more fun: one can spend a large amount of time making opponents (in first person shooters or racing games) smarter, but if that means the player always looses, he or she might not enjoy the game that much. Also, games are big business, and game engineers want to understand the behavior of their agents. It is unacceptable to release an agent out in the open which in the middle of a battle starts to act weird. Hence, game engineers often limit the intelligence of agents to (pre-historic ?!?) methods such as rule based systems and (heuristic) search because they can understand the behavior and debug it more easily. (It would be unfair to forget to give credit to the people that have applied reinforcement learning and neural networks to games; afaik mostly in the areas of racing games.) To get a rough idea about what is hot-or-not in the game AI field, take a look at AI Wisdom.

    One could say, who cares what technique to use: rules and search work incredibly well! Very true. In my humble opinion, the AI/machine learning community has sometimes over-focussed on new algorithms and models and too little on building intelligent solutions. Although in fields like robotics, biology and vision, our machine learning tools have had a huge impact, I think there are many fields where the AI community does not have a good understanding on how to integrate all our tools to make a large working system. Hence, silicon minds looks like a promising challenge and I am very excited to see what people come up with.


    Serve Consulting is a business solutions company and the leading SAP solution provider in USA. We are an SAP Channel Partner established to deliver world-class and cost-effective business solutions. Ultimately, we have been able to raise the bottom line for our clients across varying industry sectors. With our services, our clients are able to stay head and shoulders above competition

    Job Title: Team Lead, Key Account Management

    Job Field
    Administration, Secretarial, Sales, Marketing


    • Build and maintain strong, long-lasting customer relationships
    • Develop and lead the execution of the Key Account Management strategy
    • Communicate the progress of monthly/quarterly initiatives to customers and internal stakeholders
    • Assist with high severity customer requests or issue escalations as needed
    • Conduct periodic customer satisfaction survey
    • Identify new and strategic opportunities that add value to the customer
    • Act as first point of contact for all enquiries regarding SERVE’s services and provide a first response to such enquiries ensuring, follow up to possible closure
    • Prepare and present periodic Customer Engagement Activity reports
    • Be responsible for training as Trainer, coaching, mentioning and Human Capacity Development of team members

    Personal Characteristics
    • Natural inclination to render high quality Customer Service
    • Inspires confidence and is able to be a trusted advisor to the customer
    • Enthusiastic and highly motivated, creative and energetic; brings new ideas to the team
    • Team player - able to work seemlessly in international environment
    • Goal getter - focused on objectives, but flexible to overcome setbacks and cope with conflicting priorities
    • Good communicator
    • Ethical and honest

    • Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree
    • MBA is an added advantage
    • Professional membership and certification in relevant and recognised institutions
    • 5-7 years relevant or cognate experience
    • Experience selling IT is required with specific focus on software sales


  • 5 Tips to Make the Most of your College Visits

    5 Tips to Make the Most of your College Visits

    There is more to visiting a college campus than the official tour. Yes, you should definitely participate in that also, but consider doing that in addition to other things that will help you get a real feel of what it might be like to live and work in that college community. Take advantage of the opportunities the college offers prospective students—and then, explore further.
    Stay overnight Some universities require you to have a “sponsor” to stay with if you spend the night on campus, but others encourage it and will even include it in the orientation as an option. Take them up on it if you can. Eat in a couple of different dining halls, sleep in a resident’s hall and sit in on a class or two. These types of experiences will go a long way to helping you get a better feel for what attending school there is really like.
    Visit the nearby town Many college campuses are surrounded by towns that caters to the college crowd. No doubt you will spend a good amount of time there if you decide to attend that university, so spend some time touring the town too. How friendly are the people? What drug and convenience stores are around? What are the names of the best restaurants or other hang outs for college kids? Is there a movie theater or a bowling alley nearby? Do the “townies” act like they see the students as a part of the community? Every college town has its own atmosphere; feeling comfortable there will be important to feeling like you fit into the college area as a whole.
    Talk to current students This, in my opinion, is one of the best ways to find out about the “real” college environment. People in general love to talk about their experiences, so it is usually easy to stop random students and ask them questions. Find out where they like to go to have fun. Learn about their favorite dining halls and study places. Ask if they would choose this university again, if they had to do it over. Why? Come up with creative questions that will give you the answers to the most important aspects of living on your own for the first time.
    Learn the layout of the campus This includes the library, the student clinic, the dining halls and if you know what major you will declare, the buildings where a majority of your classes will be held. Also, look at which resident halls would be most convenient for you. You may want to choose your dorm based on how convenient it is to dining and classes instead of picking the one with the most updated rooms. It may not mean much to you now, but when you are tired from studying, but need to eat or locate the right book for an essay, location and convenience will be of great import!
    Explore on your own There are a lot of places on every campus that your typical college tour won’t show you, but may be of great interest. Don’t be afraid to take a walking tour of your own to see the “real” campus…the parts that aren’t in the glossy brochures. Some of the coolest places to study or hangout are not part of the official tour, but you will definitely want to know about them sooner, rather than later. If you like to study in cafes, go to each of the nearby local coffee shops to try the coffee or your favorite beverage. Get the feel for the clientele. See how comfy their chairs are. These things will be of much more practical use than you may expect, and sooner than you think! Come up with other ideas of your particular creature comforts. Believe it or not, these things are a vital part of being happy in a community while being away from home.
    These suggestions are all about learning the school inside-out—learning about the school not from the employees or the college website, but really exploring and learning about the places, events and people that are important to you. Remember that the college experience is much more than academics, so go beyond the campus tours to get a better understanding of if that college is the place you could consider your home away from home.

  • Tips for Starting a College Study Group

    Tips for Starting a College Study Group

    It’s never too early in the semester to form a study group. But there are things to consider so that your group is successful for all participants. Many students find that studying in college is very different than what was needed in high school. So even if you didn’t enjoy studying in a group then, you may find it very beneficial for your college classes.

    It’s a good bet that the freshmen who don’t return for their second year (or even second semester) don’t come back because they didn’t have disciplined study habits. It is common to hear students say that they didn’t need to study while in high school. This is definitely not the case in college! In fact, for every 1 credit hour spent in class, you should expect to spend a minimum of 2 hours outside of class (on homework, reading, test preparation). Study groups can give you a routine, at least for some of those hours.

    Study groups also provide you with a sounding board to clarify your ideas about class material and allow you to benefit from others’ understanding and perspectives. And groups can keep you accountable to your class work—others are counting on you to do your share. Often students feel intimidated about asking questions in class, but a peer learning environment gives them the opportunity to get their questions answered by others who understand the material better. And maybe most importantly, study groups can give you confidence in your knowledge and abilities so that you perform at your best. << Read More

  • The Infinite Hidden Markov Model

    I am at ICML two weeks ago I presented some of our work on the infinite hidden Markov model (also known as iHMM or HDP-HMM). Together with a result from Emily Fox, I believe we have come full circle and it is time for a little summary.

    Hidden Markov models (HMM) have been the workhorse of the discrete time, discrete state time series community for over 40 years. We have seen applications in speech, robotics, natural language processing, vision,... Sometimes, domain knowledge can be used to choose the dimensionality of the latent state space, but very frequently there is no reason to prefer one dimension over the other. Moreover, maybe we explicitly want to model the uncertainty in the dimensionality of the latent state space! Hence, variational Bayes, BIC or other model selection techniques do not apply and one option is to turn to infinite capacity models.

    In 2002, Matt Beal, Zoubin Ghahramani and Carl Rasmussen introduced a first version of an infinite capacity model which they called the iHMM. Their proposal is a procedure based on a two level hierarchy of urns which generates a potentially infinite transition matrix. Although it is an extremely elegant proposal, it turned out to be pretty hard to come up with a correct and efficient sampling scheme to learn this model. The model has three parameters: one to control the number of states, one to control the sparsity of the transition matrix and one to control the self transition probability.

    Then, in 2006, Yee Whye Teh, Mike Jordan, Matt Beal and Dave Blei introduced the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP). The HDP is a very natural prior for building hierarchies of clusters: in other words, cluster datapoints in different groups so that clusters are shared between groups. Although the HDP is technically a bit complex, it is theoretically well founded and in the 2006 paper a relatively efficient Gibbs sampling scheme was introduced. In the same 2006 paper, an infinite capacity hidden Markov model was built on top of the HDP. This model is very close to the original iHMM but only had two parameters: the self transition control was left out. This is unfortunate as for many applications of HMM's (changepoint detection) we know a priori that the Markov model is going to stay in the same state. Finally, this "version 2.0" of the iHMM still only used a Gibbs sampling scheme for inference. This is unfortunate as we have come to understand that Gibbs sampling can perform poorly in time series models.

    Enter ICML 2008: the first iHMM related result was a paper by Emily Fox, Erik Sudderth, Michael Jordan, and Alan Willsky called "An HDP-HMM for Systems with State Persistence". In this paper, the "version 2.0" iHMM model was extended to include the self transition parameter again. As you can read in their paper, this makes a very big difference: combined with some other neat ideas they were able to present some impressive performance on speaker diarization. Next, was our (Jurgen Van Gael, Yunus Saatci, Yee Whye Teh, and Zoubin Ghahramani) paper called "Beam Sampling for the Infinite Hidden Markov Model". The main idea in our work is to use a slice sampling scheme to adaptively truncate the infinite model to a finite model. This then allows us to run a dynamic program and resample the whole state sequence at once. Although we've only presented the beam sampler in the context of the iHMM, the technique is applicable to most nonparametric constructions I know of. One thing that I hope will happen is that someone will try to use the slice sampling technique to cut up nonparametric models into finite models, and use our best inference machinery (variational, BP, EP,... ) to perform inference in the finite model. This would allow us to leverage all the knowledge we've built up for finite graphical models and use them in the nonparametric setting.

    Stepping back and taking a bird's eye view on things: I think that after the four iHMM papers, I think we now have a strong platform to start using the iHMM as a building block in more complicated models. At the NPBayes workshop we've already seen some cool results by Emily who uses the iHMM to switch between different auto-regressive processes and linear dynamic systems. Another trivial extension which we've implemented is to create an IO-iHMM: condition the iHMM on a certain input sequence. Finale and I are currently experimenting with this setup for learning infinite POMDP's; more about that in a future post. I've been promised that more interesting extensions are in the making... let's see what NIPS brings!

    As I have to write up a first year report (Cambridge's idea of a thesis proposal), I have been thinking very hard about a short, self contained and easy explanation of the iHMM. A description of the model so everyone can use and implement it without having to work through the whole HDP formalism. I will definitely post the outcome on my webpage early September. At least one cool spin-off has come out of this report: based on a suggestion by Radford Neil, we've come up with a different dynamic programming based sampling scheme based on the embedded HMM. As it is more incremental work, I will probably only describe it in my first year report and this blog so stay tuned...

  • Coca-Cola Company Latest Job (Human Resource)

    The Coca-Cola Company you can cultivate your career in a challenging and dynamic environment. We are the largest manufacturer and distributor of nonalcoholic drinks in the world-selling more than 1 billion drinks a day. Unlock your full potential with a future-focused company that is known and respected throughout the world.

    Job Title: HR Strategic Business Partner-CEWA


    Job Field

    Administration, Secretarial, Human Resources, HR

    Job Summary
    The SBP is responsible for partnering with the business leaders, COE and GBS in building the BU capabilities for driving sustainable, profitable business growth. Through HR thought leadership, s/he is responsible for building a BU culture and operating environment that is conducive to attracting, developing and retaining - the “Best in Class” talent. In particular, s/he will actively input into the BU Business planning and Vision 2020 initiatives, and where applicable, Bottler Business planning processes to drive the strategic business agenda, underpinned by a diverse, productive and engaged system workforce.
    The SBP will also lead on the Talent Management and Organization Development agenda, and where applicable, including strategic HR support to Joint Ventures, Mergers and Acquisitions, in addition to partnering in building system alignment.
    The SBP will also be responsible for overseeing the BU Employee Relations, Workplace Accountability, Diversity, Employee Engagement and Women Talent development imperatives as applicable.

    Key Duties
    Partners with the Business Unit leadership including Function Heads and COE to build strategies that will engage people in delivering the organization’s vision; plays an active role in engaging people on sustainable business growth and the commercial agenda; Recognizes and provides insights on business trends, barriers, risks and opportunities that may impact the business
    Acts as coach and trusted business advisor to influence BU leaders and Function Leaders/team in the areas of leadership, organization effectiveness, leading change, organization architecture, building capability and the implications of short and long-term strategic decisions.
    Stewards the company culture by recognizing, articulating and shaping the need for change; drives organizational norms and values, and integrates the culture into Associates’ ways of working.
    Initiates and sustains continuous dialogue with leaders on change issues, and partners in exploring options for resolving the issues. Analyses the business and functions change capability, capacity and commitment, identify transformation change journey risks, and defines the risk strategy. Develops and implements change plans, managing the business readiness to change and the existing and new strategic and cultural issues. Monitors the execution of the business case for change against agreed metrics. Proactively “feels the pulse” of the organization and actively engages the leadership into action.
    Partners with COE to drive integrated talent management, development, compensation, and performance management strategies to build internal and external talent pipelines, ensuring a sustainable bench of growing and ready now talent for key positions for the business unit.
    Partners with COE to provide input into strategies and programs that allow the organization to attract and retain the best-in-class talent, and differentiate reward the high performers. Leads the execution of talent retention programmes in the BU.
    Partners with GBS to ensure standard HR systems, processes, policies,
    procedures, plans, and programs are in place and effectively utilized (compensation, employee relations, staffing, performance management, etc.). Establishes timely and appropriate Operating Agreements/SLAs with basic service providers (Shared Services, COEs). Applies and tracks key performance metrics through an established scorecard to ensure the effectiveness of service delivery and alignment to achieve business strategy and goals.
    Partners with COE to develop and drive strategies/tactics for building a winning employer Brand that nurtures the company’s aspiration to becoming the Employer of Choice in our markets.
    Collaborates with the Bottling Partners on system capability development, talent exchange programmes, labor issues and “Live Positively” initiatives

    Internal Interaction

    • Strategic business partner, leadership coach and trusted advisor to the business unit leaders and respective teams
    • Member of BU HR leadership team – developing and leading deployment including key initiatives and team member on selected EAG projects
    • Partners and collaborates with Centres of Expertise in the Group and Shared Services triangle model to create needs assessments, build strategies, leverage common work initiatives and obtain additional support to meet critical business needs and advance the people agenda
    • Close interaction and problem-solving with HR Shared Services Centre
    • Leads and participates in BU/ Group projects on and as required basis
    • Focal point for Employee engagement, Talent Management, Diversity, Company values, and Women development initiatives

    External Interaction
    • Bottler Human Resources Directors
    • Human Resources vendors and suppliers
    • External HR network
    • Local Community network including targeted Universities
    • Other HR BP’s across industry

    Technical Skills
    • Proficiency in Core HR Skill Areas: HR Planning & forecasting, Talent acquisition and development, OD & Change, Reward Management, Employee Relations,
    • Sound understanding of Local labour, employment laws,
    • Proficiency in Organization Effectiveness Practice Areas: Integrated Talent Strategies Development/Implementation, Change Planning/Management, Capability Development, Human Capital Management, Organization Design, Performance Management/Culture Change, and Team Effectiveness
    • Proficiency in consulting, coaching, strategic solution development, facilitation and design, influencing skills.
    • Excellent communication skills
    • Knowledge of General Administration and Basic Financial Analysis
    • Generate new or unique solutions and embrace new ideas that help sustain our business encompassing everything from continuous improvement to new product and package innovation
    • Develop and leverage relationships with stakeholders to appropriately stretch and impact the System Company and Bottler
    • Deliver results, creating value for our brands, our System, our customers and key stakeholders
    • Inspire people to deliver our mission and 2020 Vision, demonstrate passion for the business and give people a reason to believe anything is possible
    • Develop self and support others’ development to achieve full potential

    Required Experience
    Minimum of 5 years of experience as an HR generalist working with senior leadership teams and with in-depth exposure to one or two HR specialist areas.
    Project management experience and skills.

    Method of Application

    All interested and suitably qualified persons should click here in order to apply online

  • Russel Smith Group Latest Job Vacancy

    Russel Smith is an certified asset integrity management services company incorporated to serve the needs of the global oil and gas exploration and production industry, using rope access technology as our principal medium of access.

    Job Title: Marketing Specialist


    Technology, Marketing, Admin, Secretariat

    Summary of Functions

    • Research, interview sources and stay current on business/services, marketing development trends, digital marketing concepts and tools, and activities for promoting internal/external customer engagement.
    • Develop content, collaborate on design and manage the production and distribution of media releases, ads, brochures, newsletters, direct mail, website updates, social media updates and other communications materials for internal and external customers.
    • Develop plans for advertising, promotions, public relations and corporate social responsibility initiatives.
    • Plan, strategize and execute marketing campaigns, roadshows, exhibitions and other activities to establish and maintain RusselSmith’s brand presence in the market.
    • Coordinate digital marketing efforts including social media content management, email campaigns and online advertising and ensure that resources are utilized properly and the target market is reached in the most cost-effective manner.
    • Monitor progress and performance of marketing campaigns and other marketing activities, and provide reports
    • Ensure that marketing activities are coordinated in line with the Company’s lead management plan, advertising plan and other applicable marketing-related plans.
    • Conduct competitive strategic analysis, consumer segmentation, and consumer insight development.
    • Constantly review sales performance data and implement marketing strategies to generate leads
    • Monitor lead generation figures and provide reports along with recommendations for improvement
    • Define product and service strategies and road maps, and track progress made towards achieving set objectives.
    • Responsibility
    • Develop strategies to ensure that products and services are effectively positioned in the market
    • Create, optimize, and constantly improve retention strategies to keep customers.
    • Develop an understanding of what is needed to create a great customer experience.
    • Develop and create new campaigns and programs geared towards customer retention.
    • Prepare and make presentations to various audiences to influence the loyalty and retention program.
    • Identify sales opportunities while servicing customers.
    • Research and identify gaps in service delivery, product/service weaknesses and recommend changes
    • Research, analyze and recommend services in line with potential customer needs, market trends and new technologies.
    • Generate and describe creative, results-focused marketing concepts to a diverse customer base.
    • Coordinate and lead marketing events (presentations, training, exhibitions, demos, etc.)
    • Service Line Development:
    • Contribute towards development and improvement of existing service lines through research and analysis of service line performance and marketing initiatives
    • Generate reports that analyze profitable service lines that are in the industry.
    • Research, test and assess potential service lines
    • Plan and create marketing activities by working closely with the sales department and transforming their ideas into promotional campaigns which tie in with the Company’s overall marketing strategy.
    • Send promotions through various channels such as direct mail, as inserts in newspapers, Internet advertisements, in-store displays, product endorsements or other special events.
    • Develop corporate gift items and other branded material for customer relationship management
    • Use social media sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to promote and direct traffic to the organization and generate leads.
    • Continuously measure and report on the effectiveness of promotional strategies to determine which strategy works best for the organization.
    • Direct Marketing:
    • Liaise with Key Stakeholders to ensure that they are fully briefed and engaged in order to make sure that direct marketing campaign objectives are met
    • Ensure all communications and campaigns are compliant with industry regulations and are aligned to treating customer friendly guidelines
    • Identify and analyze the organization’s strengths and weaknesses, and respond to opportunities and threats in the marketing environment.

    Integrated Marketing Communications
    • Create internal and external communications programs that effectively describe and promote the organization and its services; including graphics, videos, audio, brochures, company product or service fact sheets, logos, or other promotional materials.
    • Plan for and liaise with other Departments to prepare and deliver presentations, training programs and other internal marketing efforts which are geared towards employee engagement
    • Proofread and maintain content on the company’s intranet, website and social media platforms.
    • Act as a liaison and point person with Sales and Marketing management for marketing activities.
    • Stay current with industry practices on marketing communications, and use the knowledge to impact communication tactics.
    • Work independently and with other departments and staff in planning and executing internal and external communications programs and strategic planning.
    • Manage external agencies and third parties to ensure successful delivery of marketing campaigns
    • Ensure all communications are clear, fair and not misleading and relevant regulations are followed e.g. data protection, Treating Customers Fairly principles
    • Gain awareness of data protection guidelines and internal data management procedures
    • Departmental Reports: Generate the required weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annually and annually reports and presentations.
    • Years of Experience
    • 2-5years.

    Educational Qualification
    • Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Communication or Business Administration.
    • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
    • Good presentation skills,
    • Must possess analytical and problem-solving skills.
    • Strong computer skills with high level of proficiency in Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint.
    • Excellent interpersonal and business communication skills.

    Method of Application
    All interested and suitably qualified persons should click here for an online application.

  • Latest Executive Jobs at RS Hunter

    RS Hunter, we believe our clients have the resources, what we do is to galvanize, advice, and partner with our clients to understand the peculiarities of their businesses and then offer the best HR solutions and strategies that work.Our objective is to focus on creating an overall people driven value through training, expert HR advisory services and value enhancement to our clients in small business medium sector range while providing support to larger organizations in the areas of recruitment.

    Job Title: Customer Service Executive


    Job Field
    Customer Care

    Job Description
    Assisting in the development of and maintenance of a customer oriented culture to enable the company deliver high quality international relocations, removals, freight forwarding and storage services to its varied clientele
    Facilitating communication and information flow between the company and the customers in liaison with international coordinator, sales & marketing, Import Operations, Export and removals and Quality Assurance Managers
    Identify trendsetter ideas by researching industry and related events, publications, and announcements; tracking individual contributors and their accomplishments
    Responding to customers enquiries and providing relevant information to promote the company services to its varied customers.
    Monitoring and managing the performance of the customer base by maintaining effective and qualitative customer relations with clients on their shipments
    Arrange for collection of necessary customs clearing documents at customer’s request.
    Maintaining of accurate and accessible filing of customer paperwork (internal records, files and databases) to ensure efficient retrieval of information.
    Providing support in the setting up and execution of meetings to improve management communication with internal and external customers.
    Receiving orders from customers and verifying accuracy and acceptability of their requirements.
    Provide weekly customer reports. Resolving all customer enquiries or problems and complaints.
    Interfacing with export and import operations departments to ensure timely and acceptable completions dates for all shipment entrusted to the care of the company.
    Ensuring that all invoicing is up to date and completed within the required time frame.
    Any other duties as may be assigned by management that covers company’s scope of service.

    Skills and Requirements

    • Customer Oriented - Ability to take care of the customers’ needs while following company procedures.
    • Detail Oriented & Able to Multi-task.
    • Excellent Communication Skills - Ability to communicate effectively with others orally and in writing.
    • Conflict Resolution, Ability to deal with others in an antagonistic situation.
    • Honesty, Integrity, Ability to be truthful and be seen as credible in the workplace.
    • Interpersonal, Ability to get along well with a variety of personalities and individuals.
    • Problem Solving, Ability to find a solution for or to deal proactively with work-related problems.
    • Team Builder, Ability to convince a group of people to work toward a goal.
    • Autonomy, Ability to work independently with minimal supervision.

    • BSc in any relevant field
    • 1-3 years of customer relations, sales and/or order processing experience.
    • Proficient with Microsoft Suite
    Method of Application
    All interested candidates should click here for an online application

  • Technical Advisor Job Vacancy at MSH USA

    Management Sciences for Health-MSH saves lives and improves health, especially among the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people, by closing the gap between knowledge and action in public health. Our mission is to save lives and improve the health of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people by closing the gap between knowledge and action in public health.

    Job Title: Technical Advisor-Knowledge Management and Learning-KML


    Job Field
    Medical, Health, Safety

    Overall Responsibilities

    The Technical Advisor-Knowledge Management and Learning-KML position leads the implementation of a comprehensive technical communication and knowledge management KM strategy in collaboration with the project leadership, country office and field based teams.He or she will support efforts to increase the visibility of the USAID funded ProACT project implemented by MSH and will work closely with the Program Assistant-Training to lead the documentation and dissemination of ProACT project innovations and results.

    Specific Responsibilities

    • Lead, manage, and support the implementation of a comprehensive knowledge management and technical innovation strategy in partnership with country and field office teams.
    • Institute a system for identifying and articulating emerging technical innovations and best practices within the ProACT project
    • Oversee and contribute to the development of knowledge products including best practices, abstracts, technical publications or reports, learning briefs, nuggets, case studies, and success stories..
    • Provide overall quality control and technical assistance for writing, editing, and packaging of knowledge products as well as ensure compliance with project branding guidelines and USAID requirements
    • Manage and support project related knowledge sharing efforts including technical fairs, presentations, events, online discussion forums such as HIV TEN, and communities of practice CoP
    • Support the development of an end-of-project dissemination plan and manage the implementation of this plan to highlight and detail project learning and results
    • Provide support to technical advisors and field based teams to distill, package and disseminate program highlights and learnings and make them available to MSH, USAID, state and national audiences
    • Support the development, review and finalization of quarterly and annual reports, documentation related to close-out and other donor deliverables as requested
    • Foster knowledge sharing and learning among country and field office teams through the hosting of brown bag events at country and field offices.
    • Provide oversight and supervise consultants hired to provide technical support or editorial services as maybe necessary.
    • Supervision: Works independently with authority from the Deputy Project Director, within strategy and policy guidelines.
    • Decision Making: Makes decisions with regards to work responsibilities and is accountable for them.
    • Responsibility over data or information: Has access to information within project, and is responsible for documenting technical communication and innovation initiatives.

    • M.B.B.S with a master's degree in Public Health with at least 2 years’ experience working in USG funded HIV programs.
    • Strong writing, editing, analytical and interpersonal skills.
    • Demonstrated technical communication skills and the ability to work as part of ateam with highly skilled technical staff.
    • Understanding of and experience applying technical communications and knowledge management and communication concepts, tools, and approaches
    • Comprehensive understanding of international development issues, HIV implementation and community-based health care initiatives, including program design, implementation and evaluation is desirable.
    • Experience working with USAID and other international development organizations, particularly in the context of KM and communications program is desirable.
    • Applied knowledge & skills: demonstrated experience with abstract writing and presentation at international/regional conferences and demonstrated evidence of publications in peer reviewed journals
    • Outstanding interpersonal, oral and written communication skills
    • Strong critical thinking, problem solving skills and ability to work across diverse and multi-cultural teams

    • Learning and knowledge sharing: open to new ideas; shares own knowledge; applies knowledge in daily work; builds partnerships for learning and knowledge sharing
    • Communications: Ability to communicate with all levels of management and staff. establishing straightforward, productive relationships; showing great drive and commitment to the organization’s mission; inspires others: Maintaining high standards of personal integrity;
    • Teamwork: Collaborates with others in own unit and across units; acknowledges others' contributions; works effectively with individuals across units; willing to seek help as needed. Promoting collaboration and facilitating teamwork across projects and organization wide.

    Method of Application
    All interested persons should click here in order to apply onine

  • Latest Job Opportunities at GE NYSE

    GE (NYSE: GE) works on things that matter. The best people and the best technologies taking on the toughest challenges. Finding solutions in energy, health and home, transportation and finance. Building, powering, moving and curing the world. Not just imagining. Doing. GE works.

    Job Title: Sales Applications Specialist


    Job Field
    Finance, Accounting, Audit

    Role Summary
    The Commercial Controllership Leader provides guidance to both finance and operations leaders for a specialist area within controllership, and/or support to Africa regional controller as well as to Senior Assistant controller.

    Essential Responsibilities

    • Ensuring that Terms and Conditions of GEHC Sales Contracts don’t impose any risks, liabilities those are not approved Policy
    • 5.0,
    • Monitoring and increasing the effectiveness of the controls for the T&C reviews and their approvals
    • Working with the Commercial Teams to pro-actively assess and manage the risks of the existing contracts’ backlog Policy
    • 6.0
    • Coordinating with the EAGM and the Global Teams in the areas of Commercial Contracting
    • Partnering with the regions to create Dashboards to monitor the Contractual Risks in Afrıca
    • Standardization of the Accounting of the Contractual Obligations for consistency on the Financial Statements
    • Working with the local finance teams, HR and Commercial Teams to account properly for the Variable Compensation Plans
    • Standardizing and monitoring the accounting of Commercial Reserves accross the legal entities considering the applicable policies
    • Working with internal and external auditors to address to the issues in the area commercial controllership
    • Participate and provide input into GE Healthcare simplification initiatives
    • Identify potential risks & opportunities & and communicate effectively
    • Interpret finance risks & opportunities to local circumstances & present workable solutions

    Qualifications and Requirements
    • Bachelors degree in accounting, finance, or other business related field and minimum 8-10 years progressive accounting or finance experience
    • Demonstrated proficiency in U.S. GAAP and local GAAP
    • CPA / CA or GE Corporate Audit Staff
    • Familiarity with Oracle, SAP or any other ERP systems
    • Experience working in a global business environment with sound understanding of global process and transactional flows
    • Excellent verbal and written communication skills and the ability to communicate complex business issues in a clear, concise manner
    • Strong analytical skills: able to clearly link financial results to operational performance drivers, generate alternatives and drive positive change
    • Ability to work with databases in order to pull the required details,
    • Clear thinking, problem solving: successfully led projects/process improvements within operations, finance functions; able to quickly grasp new ideas
    • Adaptable, Flexible: being open to change in response to new information, different or unexpected circumstances, and to work in ambiguous situations
    • Integrity: accepting and adhering to high moral, ethical, and personal values in decisions, communications, actions and when dealing with others
    • Confidence/Assertiveness: strong influencing skills
    • Experience working in a matrix ed environment

    Method of Application

    All interested and suitably qualified candidates should click here to apply online.



    PwC firms help organizations and individuals create the value they are looking for. We are a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 180,000 people who are committed to delivering quality
    in Assurance, Tax and Advisory services.

    Job Title: Administrative Assistant


    Job Field
    Administration, Secretarial

    Job Scope
    Enhance the quality of management of the firm by providing administrative support to the business unit partners in order to facilitate the administration of their activities.
    Maintain the office environment at a high image level.
    Reduce the workload of business unit partners effectively, such that their involvement in detail is restricted to strategic and major issues.
    Provide administrative support on Business Unit initiatives. For example act as client administrator for the business units. Activities include client liaison, preparing client presentations etc.
    The firm’s responsiveness to clients’ needs requires that the factors that enhance the client’s performance are placed above all other considerations and that this attitude is seen as coinciding with the office’s interest. Each action must therefore be interpreted by its effect on the client.
    The position supports client service staff and partners who operate under considerable deadline pressure and it is also subject to competing demands. Accordingly, significant tact, understanding, communication and flexibility are called for to achieve the objectives of the position.
    Working relationships are primarily with senior PwC staff and to some extent, client executives, which situation not only places the position at the front end of the office's drive for a positive external image but also expects the exhibition of professionalism.
    Submit reports to the Business Unit Leader and partners as needed.


    • The growth of provision of services to top tier clientele.
    • The generation and provision of client service at high levels of client satisfaction, professional standards and market repute.
    • The achievement of profitable levels of staff utilisation, realisation and net investment in client services [NICS].
    • The integration of the business unit’s activities within the total practice.
    • The development of top quality staff members and maintenance of high morale.

    • Gain a familiarity with the full range of services offered and objectives of the Service Line and Business Unit, their correlation to the goals of the firm and current year plans.
    • Gain a familiarity with the office’s IFS policies and procedures and liaise where necessary with the various IFS functions.
    • Show imagination and creativity and present matters of concern and new ideas to the LoS leader and the other partners within the Business Unit suggesting improvements to procedures.
    • Show initiative in handling and following through routine assignments without reminders and intervention from partners and managers.
    • Develop the following personal attributes, which are critical to the success of the position: enthusiasm, patience, firmness, courtesy, diligence, organization, resourcefulness, and dependability and communication skills.
    • Keep under review job difficulties and self-development needs and communicate such to the LoS leader.
    • Demonstrate ability to prioritize and balance competing demands.
    • Demonstrate good report writing skills and paying attention to detail.

    • Liaise with the staff scheduling manager for an efficient allocation of staff and ensure that all procedures relating to this activity are complied with.
    • Monitor the compliance with billing and collection procedures. Including opening job codes, managing work in progress, bill on account and following up receivables.
    • Coordinate recruitment needs of the BU, advise HC of requirements, and monitor progress of recruitment.
    • Liaise with engagement managers and ensure that appraisals are carried out when they are due and that the appraisal monitoring form is completed and submitted to unit’s staff manager.
    • Liaise with Learning and Development unit to monitor the training program for the year and ensure that staffs’ dairies are blocked for the training.
    • Organise meetings (management and monthly BU meetings and ensure that discussions and conclusions are documented and circulated within 48 hours.
    • Draw the partners’ attention to issues including staff morale that you observe, that may affect the practice.
    • Schedule meetings with clients on partner’s behalf, confirm with them and remind them of their commitments.
    • Liaise with each engagement team to maintain a list of the client and assignment portfolio and update continuingly the status of each assignment on the list.
    • Prepare and update the BU marketing/opportunities monitoring team and follow up the responsible staff driver on the status of these opportunities
    • Provide logistic support in conjunction with marketing for the BU-led seminars, meetings as follows:

    Job Specifications
    • Good First Degree in any discipline
    • Experience in general office Administration
    • Understanding of basic business principles
    • Excellent computer skills including use of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
    • Minimum of 3 years experience of working as a PA to senior management

    • Thinking skills and diligence
    • Inquisitiveness and firmness
    • Interest and Commitment
    • Results oriented
    • Well organized; good time-keeping
    • Excellent written skills
    • Excellent interpersonal skills – communication, etc
    • Under 35 years of age




    Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company (RC 638640), is one of the eleven successor distribution companies of the defunct Power Holding Company of USA (PHCN). Kaduna Electric, a registered
    trademark of Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company, is licensed by the USA Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) to distribute and retail electricity within a service coverage area of Northwestern-most of USA. It has its Headquarters in Kaduna, with offices in Kebbi, Sokoto and Zamfara States. Kaduna Electric is seeking for young, vibrant and intelligent professionals with exceptional skills and talents to fill in vacant positions in order to support the organization achieve its set vision.

    Job Tittle; Graduate Trainee

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND

    Location; Kaduna, Kebbi, Sokoto, Zamfara

    Job Field; Engineering / Technical

    Competency and Skill Requirements

    • Facilitation and Complex problem-solving skills.
    • Positive enthusiasm & a pragmatic approach.
    • Written skills/oral communication skills.
    • Computer literacy
    • Team player
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • Bachelor’s Degree/HND with at least Second Class Honours/Lower Credit in any discipline.
    • Generalist experience or certification/qualification (e.g. NSE, COREN, MSCE, PMP, CIMP, CIPD, SHRM, ACA, ACCA, NIQS etc) in chosen field of interest.
    • Not more than 27 years old.
    • Must have completed NYSC.
    • No previous work experience required.

    Job Tittle; Experienced Trainee

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND

    Experience; 2 years

    Location; Kaduna, Kebbi, Sokoto, Zamfara

    Job Field; Engineering / Technical

    Competency and Skill Requirements

    • Facilitation and Complex problem-solving skills.
    • Positive enthusiasm & a pragmatic approach.
    • Written skills/oral communication skills.
    • Computer literacy
    • Team player
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • Bachelor’s Degree/HND with at least Second Class Honours/Lower Credit in any discipline.
    • Minimum 2 years (but not more than 5 years work experience), Generalist experience or certification/qualification (e.g. NSE, COREN, MSCE, PMP, CIMP, CIPD, SHRM, ACA, ACCA, NIQS etc) in chosen field of interest.
    • Not more than 30 years old.
    • Must have completed NYSC.

    Job Tittle;Team Lead, Media/Community Relations

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 5 years

    Job Field; Media / Advertising / Branding
    Competency and Skill Requirements

    • Excellent understanding of the media.
    • Strong journalism skills
    • Be adaptable and able to meet deadlines on assignments, juggle multiple demands and to work with all types of individuals.
    • Strong skills in negotiating, planning, problem solving, and timely problem escalation.
    • Excellent written and oral communication skills
    • Excellent time management and organizational skills
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • A Bachelor’s degree or HND in Mass Communication or any other related course.
    • Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
    • Master’s degree is an added advantage.
    • 5 years cognate experience

    Job Tittle; Digital/Brand Communication Officer

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 3 years

    Job Field; ICT Media / Advertising / Branding

    Job Summary
    Responsible for ensuring an active and effective online presence on all platforms in addition to managing the company’s brand assets.

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities
    Ensure implementation of best practice brand management tools in order to optimize efficiency and profitability.
    Manage and approve the production of all the çompany’s print and communication materials to ensure they are in line with corporate branding.
    Implement all the policies in relation to corporate image and branding.
    Critical assessment of event proposals to determine benefits to the company.
    Co-ordinate the production of promotional items in conformity with the company’s brand asset as well as the distribution of same.
    Managing external agencies to ensure all brand activities are in line with the project requirements as specified by the briefs and meet consumer expectations.
    Ensure an active presence for the company on all social media platforms including website.
    Prepare regular reports on Company’s web presence
    Responsible for creating and implementing a company-wide digital communication strategy.
    Ensure strategic use of social media to manage key messages to stakeholders.
    Oversee update of website content.
    Production of electronic newsletter

    Competency and Skill Requirements

    • In-depth knowledge digital and brand communication
    • In-depth understanding of the impact of social media on business growth
    • Knowledge of development and implementation of Communication plan
    • Knowledge of web publishing
    • Excellent communication (written and oral), interpersonal and negotiation skills
    • High level of integrity and demonstrated ability to manage confidential information
    • Good analytical and problem solving skills
    • Excellent organisational skills.
    • Strong supervisory and people management skills
    • High sense of responsibility, accountability and dependability
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • A Bachelor’s degree or HND preferably in Multi Media Systems Communication or any other related course.
    • Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
    • Master’s degree /or certification is an added advantage.
    • 3 years cognate experience

    Job Tittle; Media/Community Relations Officer

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND

    Experience; 3 years

    Job Field; Media / Advertising / Branding

    Job Summary
    Responsible for executing the company’s media and community relations strategy.

    Competency and Skill Requirements

    • Good understanding of the media.
    • Good journalism skills
    • Excellent written and oral communication skills
    • Good time management and organizational skills
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • A Bachelor’s degree or HND in Mass Communication or any other related course.
    • Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
    • 3 years cognate experience
    Job Tittle; Internal Communication Officer

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 3 years

    Job Field; Media / Advertising / Branding

    Job Summary
    Responsible for articulating and implementing an effective internal communication strategy for the company.

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities

    • Source, edit and coordinate production of online newsletter for staff and hard copy newsletter for key stakeholders
    • Coordinate production of leaflets, handbills etc for all departments that need them.
    • Coordinate timely information flow from head office to all business units and customer service centres.
    • Prepare daily media briefing for the MD
    • Coordinate dissemination of bulk SMS messages to staff
    • Working and negotiating with vendors and suppliers of services on behalf of the company
    • Help implement the internal communication strategy of the company
    • Develop internal communication strategy and plan for specific activity to staff’
    • Build a culture where two-way communication is seen as fundamental and integral to the success of the company.
    • Evaluate the success of internal communication.
    • Draft key messages to different categories of staff
    • Manage internal communication projects the company may embark upon.
    Competency and Skill Requirements
    • Knowledge of audience types and how to channel messages to them.
    • In-depth understanding of all communication platforms
    • Knowledge of development and implementation of communication plan
    • Ability to evaluate and measure Communication activities
    • Excellent event management skills
    • Excellent communication (written and oral) and interpersonal skills
    • High level of integrity and demonstrated ability to manage confidential information
    • Good analytical and problem solving skills
    • Excellent organisational skills.
    • Strong leadership, supervisory and people management skills
    • High sense of responsibility, accountability and dependability
    Experience and Minimum Requirement
    • A Bachelor’s degree or HND preferably in Mass Communication or any social science course.
    • Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
    • Master’s degree /or certification is an added advantage.
    • 3 years cognate experience
    Job Tittle; Team Lead, Strategy

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 7 years

    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial

    Job Summary
    As a key member of the Strategy team and reporting into the Chief Corporate Services Officer you will provide strategic leadership and expertise for the full scope of the Strategy and Corporate Performance Management function. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities

    • Coordinate development of business strategies.
    • Design, administration and monitoring of the corporate planning framework.
    • Create the strategic culture necessary for Kaduna Electric to accomplish its strategic objectives.
    • Provision of leadership, support and coordination for management strategic initiatives.
    • Conduct special studies/projects.
    • Provision of corporate initiatives and services to internal and external stakeholders to promote best practice
    • Thought partnership and guidance provision to line organizations on strategic initiatives.
    • Enterprise performance system architecture design, management, and continuous improvement implementation
    Competency and Skill Requirements
    • Strong leadership and analytical skills
    • Strong presentation, verbal and written communication skills with the ability to articulate complex ideas in easy to understand business terms to all levels of management
    • Market intelligence and stakeholder engagement
    • Deep appreciation of the Power sector and its dynamics
    • Business process analysis, Performance benchmarking, change management, risk management control
    • Strategy implementation and monitoring and capacity to build high performance team
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • First degree in any of the social / management sciences, accounting, business or other numerate disciplines.
    • Master's degree is desirable.
    • Must be highly computer literate, with special emphasis on statistical data analysis tools, project management and power point presentation skills.
    • Demonstrate experience in successfully leading the design and implementation of change management strategies.
    • Minimum of 7 years relevant experience
    Job Tittle; Team Lead, Security

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 7 years

    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial Security / Intelligence

    Job Summary
    As a key member of the Security team and reporting into the Chief Corporate Services Officer, you will provide strategic leadership and expertise for the full scope of the Security function. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities

    • Organise, deploy and manage the material and human resource assigned to the security department including resource made available through outsourcing.
    • Plan, develop and implement security plans, security programs such as Emergency Response and Crisis Management, Physical Security, Information Protection, Incident Management and/or Investigation.
    • Maintain contacts and working relationship with law enforcement agencies and outsourced security service providers to promote security.
    • Participate in investigations into security lapses and recommend specific actions for preventing reoccurrence.
    • Establish procedure, conduct special investigations and surveillance as may be required by the Company.
    • Establish procedures for loss prevention mechanism.
    • Evaluate and recommend appropriate remedial steps for potential security threats.
    • Plan and establish on the job training program for security personnel and evaluate departmental effectiveness regularly.
    • Communicates effectively through a range of communication media (verbal, visual and written). Uses a range of communication channels and adjusts style to meet the needs of the situation.
    • Prioritises tasks, time and workload to efficiently meet objectives. Takes into account relevant constraints. Monitors progress, takes the initiative to adjust plans and performs multiple task when appropriate.
    • By understanding customers’ needs, create and delivers quality and accurate work which enhances the reputation of the department and the wider organisation.
    • Works in collaboration with team members to achieve shared goals. Encourages and support team contributions, and facilitates the team’s effective performance.
    Competency and Skill Requirements
    • Demonstrated success in handling security matters
    • Strong written and oral communication skills with the ability to influence all levels of the organization
    • Demonstrated leadership and ability to work in a matrix team environment.
    • Ability to handle multiple priorities and initiate, lead and manage change.
    • Project management, facilitation and complex problem-solving skills.
    • High energy level, driven with positive enthusiasm and a pragmatic approach.
    • Fluency in English (oral and written) required.
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • Degree qualified in Social Sciences and Humanities or other related disciplines.
    • Security experience
    • Minimum 7 years’ experience in the Force / Security Department
    Job Tittle; Team Lead, Performance Management and Learning

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 7 years

    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial Human Resources / HR

    Job Summary
    As a key member of the Performance Management and Learning team and reporting into the Chief Corporate Services Officer you will provide strategic leadership and expertise for the full scope of the Performance Management and Learning function. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities
    Designs, plans, implements and facilitates performance management processes to improve individual and organizational effectiveness. Understands the impact of behaviors and values on performance, and the levers for change. Applies consistent disciplinary processes to address below standard performance or behavior.
    Diagnoses learning and development needs at the organization, team and individuals levels and recommends strategies to address them. Understands business requirements (current and future) and aligns learning interventions accordingly.
    Communicates effectively through a range of communication media (verbal, visual and written). Uses a range of communication channels and adjusts style to meet the needs of the situation.
    Priorities tasks, time and workload to efficiently meet objectives. Takes into account relevant constraints. Monitors progress, takes the initiative to adjust plans and performs multiple task when appropriate.
    Identifies problems and takes responsibility for solving them. Identifies, analyses and interprets the critical information relevant to the problem. Develops and tests solutions that are pragmatic and sustainable.
    Has the ability to perform effectively, despite time pressures and changing circumstance. Overcomes setbacks, disappointments or opposition and remains solution-focused, tactful and diplomatic.
    By understanding customers’ needs, create and delivers quality and accurate work which enhances the reputation of the department and the wider organization.
    Works in collaboration with team members to achieve shared goals. Encourages and support team contributions, and facilitates the team’s effective performance.

    Competency and Skill Requirements
    Demonstrated success in development and application of up-to-date practice in employee relations, HR policy and formulation, recruitment and staffing and training and development.
    Strong written and oral communication skills with the ability to influence all levels of the organization and multicultural/international environments.
    Credible track record of delivering impactful results/solutions in a complex, fast paced work environment
    Demonstrated leadership and ability to work in a matrix team environment.
    Ability to handle multiple priorities and initiate, lead and manage change.
    Project management, facilitation and complex problem-solving skills.
    High energy level, driven with positive enthusiasm and a pragmatic approach.
    Fluency in English (oral and written) required.

    Experience and Minimum Requirements

    • Degree qualified in Business Administration, Human Resources, Industrial Relations or other HR-related disciplines.
    • Master's degree in Business Administration or a Human Resources related field is an added advantage.
    • Multinational experience
    • HR leadership in a start-up/entrepreneurial organization
    • Minimum 7 years HR Generalist experience in the region, ideally HR leadership in a multinational environment.
    Job Tittle; Team Lead, Employee Relations

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 5 years

    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial Human Resources / HR

    Job Summary
    As a key member of the Employee Relations team and reporting into the Chief Corporate Services Officer, you will provide strategic leadership and expertise for the full scope of the Employee Relations function. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities
    Understands and differentiates between labour and employment laws and regulations, international codes, and declarations. Appreciates the relationship between labour laws and other applicable workplace statues. Understands and advises on the interface between local and regional jurisdictions in conjunction with legal representatives. Ensures legal compliance and reports and rectifies examples of non-compliance.
    Works with management and staff legal bodies and enrich business performance. Understands, applies and ensures compliance with all relevant consultation legislation and labour laws, regulations and practice.
    Handle complaints and grievances among employees, such as the interpretations or application of terms and conditions of employment. Facilitates the relationship between two or more parties in disagreement to an appropriate outcome.
    Communicates effectively through a range of communication media (verbal, visual and written). Uses a range of communication channels and adjusts style to meet the needs of the situation.
    Prioritises tasks, time and workload to efficiently meet objectives. Takes into account relevant constraints. Monitors progress, takes the initiative to adjust plans and performs multiple task when appropriate.
    Identifies problems and takes responsibility for solving them. Identifies, analyses and interprets the critical information relevant to the problem. Develops and tests solutions that are pragmatic and sustainable.
    Has the ability to perform effectively, despite time pressures and changing circumstance. Overcomes setbacks, disappointments or opposition and remains solution-focused, tactful and diplomatic.
    Has an overall view of own and department’s position in the organisation and understands how departmental goals fit into organizational objectives. Behaves in accordance with the Company’s Business Principles and is aware of organizational relationships in the organization.

    Competency and Skill Requirements

    • HR Generalist experience.
    • Demonstrated success in development and application of up-to-date practice in employee relations.
    • Strong written and oral communication skills with the ability to influence all levels of the organization and multicultural/international environments.
    • Credible track record of delivering impactful results/solutions in a complex, fast paced work environment.
    • Demonstrated leadership and ability to work in a matrix team environment.
    • Ability to handle multiple priorities and initiate, lead and manage change.
    • Project management, facilitation and complex problem-solving skills.
    • High energy level, driven with positive enthusiasm and a pragmatic approach.
    • Fluency in English (oral and written) required.
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • Degree qualified in Business Administration, Human Resources, Industrial Relations or other HR-related disciplines.
    • Master's degree in Business Administration or a Human Resources related field an added advantage.
    • Multinational work experience is desirable
    • HR leadership experience
    • Minimum 5 years cognate experience
    Job Tittle; Team Lead, Logistics

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 5 years

    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial Logistics

    Job Summary
    As a key member of the Logistics team and reporting into the Chief Corporate Services Officer, you will provide strategic leadership and expertise for the full scope of the Logistics function for the organisation. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities
    The Team Lead, Logistics will demonstrate leadership in communicating business goals, programs, and processes. In this role, you will utilize your experience or expertise to solve problems, develop and execute objectives for self and others, and have the ability to effect short-term and some long-term business goals.
    Prioritises tasks, time and workload to efficiently meet objectives. Takes into account relevant constraints. Monitors progress, takes the initiative to adjust plans and performs multiple task when appropriate.
    Identifies problems and takes responsibility for solving them. Identifies, analyses and interprets the critical information relevant to the problem. Develops and tests solutions that are pragmatic and sustainable.
    Has the ability to perform effectively, despite time pressures and changing circumstance. Overcomes setbacks, disappointments or opposition and remains solution-focused, tactful and diplomatic.
    By understanding customers’ needs, create and delivers quality and accurate work which enhances the reputation of the department and the wider organisation.
    Works in collaboration with team members to achieve shared goals. Encourages and support team contributions, and facilitates the team’s effective performance.

    Competency and Skill Requirements

    • Experience in a multinational environment is desirable
    • Strong written and oral communication skills with the ability to influence all levels of the organization and multicultural/international environments.
    • Credible track record of delivering impactful results/solutions in a complex, fast paced work environment
    • Demonstrated leadership and ability to work in a matrix team environment.
    • Ability to handle multiple priorities and initiate, lead and manage change.
    • Project management, facilitation and complex problem-solving skills.
    • High energy level, driven with positive enthusiasm and a pragmatic approach.
    • Fluency in English (oral and written) required.
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • First degree or HND in the numerate or technical related field.
    • Leadership experience in a start-up/entrepreneurial organization
    • Minimum 5 years cognate experience

    Job Tittle; Team Lead, Human Resources

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 5 years

    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial Human Resources / HR

    Job Summary
    As a key member of the Human Resources team and reporting into the Chief Corporate Services Officer you will provide strategic leadership and expertise for the full scope of the Human Resources (HR) function for client population. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities
    Providing HR leadership, coaching and generalist support.
    Driving strategic and operational level HR-related planning including Labor Relations, Recruiting and Staffing, Pipeline Management, Compensation and Benefits, Leadership Coaching, Employee Development and Performance Management.
    Leading/Initiating new and innovative global HR practices to create a strong culture of leadership and high performing teams.
    Ensuring/Maintaining all HR processes and records relative to local statutory requirements while providing guidance and leadership to the business regarding regulatory interpretation and compliance.
    Implementing appropriate communication tools and systems to ensure effective flow of information including employee opinion surveys, leadership communications, etc.
    Developing appropriate work force plans in support of key business needs in a dynamic, changing environment and develop/implement appropriate change management plans as required.
    Providing support and/or delivering training on a variety of Human Resources topics.
    Providing Executive Coaching to business leadership.
    Serving as an impartial employee advocate to ensure that all individuals receive fair and equitable treatment.

    Competency and Skill Requirements

    • HR Generalist experience, ideally in a multinational environment.
    • Demonstrated success in development and application of up-to-date practice in employee relations, HR policy and formulation, recruitment and staffing and training and development.
    • Strong written and oral communication skills with the ability to influence all levels of the organization and multicultural/international environments.
    • Credible track record of delivering impactful results/solutions in a complex, fast paced work environment
    • Demonstrated leadership and ability to work in a matrix team environment.
    • Ability to handle multiple priorities and initiate, lead and manage change.
    • Project management, facilitation and complex problem-solving skills.
    • High energy level, driven with positive enthusiasm and a pragmatic approach.
    • Fluency in English (oral and written) required.
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • Degree qualified in Business Administration, Human Resources, Industrial Relations or other HR-related disciplines.
    • Master's degree in Business Administration or a Human Resources related field would be an added advantage.
    • Multinational experience is desirable
    • HR leadership in a start-up organization is desirable
    • Minimum 5 years cognate experience
    Job Tittle; Team Lead, New Connections

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 7 years

    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial Engineering / Technical

    Job Summary
    Responsible for New Customer Connections activities. Role will provide strategic advisory support to the Energy Management Team.

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities
    Recommendation / specification of customers’ tariff structure / placement based on the nature of their business and load measurement.
    Recommendation / computation of customers’ estimated load to be used for billing purpose for newly customers or in the event of faulty / ruptured meters.
    Coordinates activities of Energy Engineers in line with company’s guide lines to facilitate efficient service delivery to our new customers
    Track and maintain an updated records of all promising customers with timeline for integration to our distribution networks.
    Conducting advance metering activities (energy aggregation, energy analysis, energy loss analysis, bill determinants and dynamic tariffs etc.)
    Installation and commissioning of the following meters:
    (a) Single Phase
    (b) Three Phase
    (c) Whole Current Meter Board
    (d) MD Low Voltage Standard Meter Board
    (e) MD High Voltage Standard Meter Board
    Maintenance, certification and re-certification of meters as stated above.
    Testing and calibration of meters as enumerated above.
    Supervision / providing metering standard specifications in accordance with the IEC and USA standard according to USA Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) policy.
    Conducting of general meter type testing, meter routing testing & meter sample testing as the case may be in any condition or situation of meter supply.
    Provision of support to services to other offices and resource planning

    Competency and Skill Requirements

    • Excellent understanding of the standards of the energy industry.
    • Strong customer service and support focus with desire to deliver high quality service
    • Self-motivated and highly professional with ability to take ownership and responsibility
    • Adaptable and flexible to business demands
    • Team player and attention to details
    • Ability to multi task and work under pressure
    • Project Management skills
    • Strong skills in negotiating, planning, problem solving, and timely problem escalation.
    • Excellent written and oral communication skills
    • Excellent time management and organizational skills
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • A Bachelor’s degree or HND preferably in Electrical, Electronics, Physics/Electronics, Computer Engineering or any relevant field.
    • Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
    • Master’s degree /or certification is an added advantage.
    • NSE registration or COREN is an added advantage
    • Minimum 7 years’ experience in a related function
    • At least 2 years’ management experience
    Job Tittle; Team Lead, Grid Metering

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 7 years

    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial Engineering / Technical

    Job Summary
    Responsible for Grid Metering activities. Role will provide strategic advisory support to the Energy Management Team.

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities

    • Conducting advance metering activities (energy aggregation, energy analysis, energy loss analysis, bill determinants and dynamic tariffs etc.)
    • Develop electrical engineering studies, plans, specifications, calculations, evaluations, design documents and performance assessments.
    • Coordinates activities of Grid metering engineers E2E
    • Conduct Grid meters re-validation exercise quarterly
    • Installation and commissioning of the following meters:
    (a) Single Phase
    (b) Three Phase
    (c) Whole Current Meter Board
    (d) MD Low Voltage Standard Meter Board
    (e) MD High Voltage Standard Meter Board
    • Maintenance, certification and re-certification of meters as stated above.
    • Testing and calibration of meters as enumerated above.
    • Recommendation / specification of customers’ tariff structure / placement based on the nature of their business and load measurement.
    • Monthly report and certification of readings obtained from Grid Energy meters to ensure accurate billing of the company by Market Operators (MO).
    • Supervision / providing metering standard specifications in accordance with the IEC and USA standard according to USA Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) policy.
    • Conducting of general meter type testing, meter routing testing & meter sample testing as the case may be in any condition or situation of meter supply.
    • Development of energy sourcing strategies
    • Process management for the network asset planning processes
    • Provision of support services to other offices
    • Performing remote energy usage tracking and resource planning
    Competency and Skill Requirements
    • Excellent understanding of the standards of the energy industry.
    • Project Management skills
    • Adaptable and flexible to business demands
    • Team player and attention to details
    • Ability to multi task and work under pressure
    • Self-motivated and highly professional with ability to take ownership and responsibility
    • Strong skills in negotiating, planning, problem solving, and timely problem escalation.
    • Excellent written and oral communication skills
    • Excellent time management and organizational skills
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • A Bachelor’s degree or HND preferably in Electrical, Electronics, Physics/Electronics, Computer Engineering or any relevant field.
    • Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
    • Master’s degree /or certification is an added advantage.
    • NSE registration or COREN is an added advantage
    • Minimum 7 years’ experience in a related function
    • At least 2 years’ management experience
    Job Tittle; Team Lead, Energy Metering

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA

    Experience; 7 years

    Job Field; Administration / Secretarial Engineering / Technical

    Job Summary
    Responsible for Grid Metering activities. Role will provide strategic advisory support to the Energy Management Team.

    Principal Duties and Responsibilities

    • Conducting advance metering activities (energy aggregation, energy analysis, energy loss analysis, bill determinants and dynamic tariffs etc.)
    • Develop electrical engineering studies, plans, specifications, calculations, evaluations, design documents and performance assessments.
    • Coordinates activities of Grid metering engineers E2E
    • Conduct Grid meters re-validation exercise quarterly
    • Installation and commissioning of the following meters:
    (a) Single Phase
    (b) Three Phase
    (c) Whole Current Meter Board
    (d) MD Low Voltage Standard Meter Board
    (e) MD High Voltage Standard Meter Board
    • Maintenance, certification and re-certification of meters as stated above.
    • Testing and calibration of meters as enumerated above.
    • Recommendation / specification of customers’ tariff structure / placement based on the nature of their business and load measurement.
    • Monthly report and certification of readings obtained from Grid Energy meters to ensure accurate billing of the company by Market Operators (MO).
    • Supervision / providing metering standard specifications in accordance with the IEC and USA standard according to USA Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) policy.
    • Conducting of general meter type testing, meter routing testing & meter sample testing as the case may be in any condition or situation of meter supply.
    • Development of energy sourcing strategies
    • Process management for the network asset planning processes
    • Provision of support services to other offices
    • Performing remote energy usage tracking and resource planning
    Competency and Skill Requirements
    • Excellent understanding of the standards of the energy industry.
    • Project Management skills
    • Adaptable and flexible to business demands
    • Team player and attention to details
    • Ability to multi task and work under pressure
    • Self-motivated and highly professional with ability to take ownership and responsibility
    • Strong skills in negotiating, planning, problem solving, and timely problem escalation.
    • Excellent written and oral communication skills
    • Excellent time management and organizational skills
    Experience and Minimum Requirements
    • A Bachelor’s degree or HND preferably in Electrical, Electronics, Physics/Electronics, Computer Engineering or any relevant field.
    • Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
    • Master’s degree /or certification is an added advantage.
    • NSE registration or COREN is an added advantage
    • Minimum 7 years’ experience in a related function
    • At least 2 years’ management experience
    Method of Application
    Interested and suitably qualified candidates should click here to apply online.



    Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) is the pioneer and leader of the petroleum industry in USA. We invest heavily in our employees, which is reflected in our industry-leading
    development programme and our commitment to see our employees’ ideas travel and come to fruition. Our commitment and your drive will meet and help unlock your own potential and push forward Shell’s continuous innovation. We look for ways to reduce the environmental impact of our operations: our global pool of experts and the fact that our employees can tap into that diverse pool of expertise will help our commitment to supply USA and beyond with our oil products. The company's operations are concentrated in the Niger Delta and adjoining shallow offshore areas where it operates in an oil mining lease area of around 30,000 square kilometres.

    Job Tittle; Senior Compliance Supervisor, Lifting & Hoisting

    Job Type; Full Time

    Qualification; BA/BSc/HND

    Experience; 7 years

    Location; Lagos, Rivers

    Job Field; Engineering / Technical Oil and Gas / Energy

    Job Description
    Position Responsibilities;

    • Manage the implementation of Shell Companies in USA's Lifting and Hoisting Control Documents and Health Safety Security Environment & Social Performance (HSSE&SP) Control Framework requirements to ensure Shell USA derives the benefits from the global standard in running their lifting & hoisting operations, both onshore and offshore.
    • Develop work instructions and guidelines (where required) for safe and efficient execution of Lifting & hoisting activities in Shell USA
    • Drive compliance program for implementation of standards, rules and regulations relating to Lifting & Hoisting operations both in Primary & Secondary Logistics in Shell USA.
    • Develop and implement strategy for compliance monitoring and carry out periodic audits of Major Project Sites, Land Rig sites, Logistics bases etc accross onshore and offshore activities, to verify that Lifting & Hoisting operations are carried out in line with established standards, guidelines and practices.
    • Organize awareness campaigns and workshops to continually educate stakeholders on zero tolerance for non-compliance to Lifting & Hoisting standards.
    • Monitor Health Safety Environment (HSE) performance in the business to ensure zero lifting and hoisting fatalities and Lost Time Injuries (LTIs).
    • Provide expert advice for lifting & hoisting equipment operation and maintenance to ensure total reliability of such assets used by Shell USA.
    • Manage all Lifting and hoisting operations across major projects (onshore and offshore) and Well Engineering by providing professional leadership in these aspects of the business.
    • Liaise with the Discipline Lead/Authorized Subject Matter Expert (ASME) to manage training programmes and manage the competence of all lifting and hoisting personnel in the Production, Project teams and Well Engineering.

    Position Requirements/Experience;

    • A minimum of Bachelosr Degree in Engineering, Sciences or Related disciplines
    • Minimum of 7 years experience in Logistics Business in Exploration & Production (E&P) with a minimum of 4 years in Lifting & Hoisting operations.
    • Proficiency certifications from Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), or their equivalent; Lifting Organizations and Lifting Equipment Regulation (LOLER) competent person training.
    • Management Of Lifting Operations (BS7121 - Appointed Person) Certification and International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) certification on Safe use of Lifting equipment.
    • Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization (OPITO) level III rigger certification will be an advantage.
    • Excellent Health Safety Environment (HSE) Leadership skills
    • Good technical knowledge on hydraulic systems, wire ropes, rigging operations, container specifications and handling.
    • Pre & post tender contract management skills

    Method of Application
    Interested and suitably qualified candidates should click here to apply online.

  • Six Tips for Taking Essay Tests

    Six Tips for Taking Essay Tests

    No matter what major or discipline you have selected to pursue in college, there is one common monster that strikes fear into the hearts of almost all students – the dreaded Essay Exam. Essay exams, in all their five-paragraph-format and restricted-time-limit glory, can appear in classes outside of English, including engineering, psychology, art, history and even higher sciences and maths, like physics. In fact, most standardized college admission tests, like the SAT/ACT and the GRE require you to write an essay in response to a prompt.

    Dealing with difficult Professors – Read More

    Regardless of whether you come across an essay exam while applying to colleges or taking classes as you work towards your degree, there are six basic steps you can follow to compose a solid, effective essay in the time allotted.

      essay paper writing
    1. Read the directions completely and pay close attention to what you’re being asked to do. Some exams may ask you to answer a series of questions; some may ask for 2 out of 3; some may ask you to choose only one. You don’t want to do more work than necessary or not complete the assignment.
    2. Make sure you understand what the question is asking you. Look for key words or phrases to help you know what information you’ll need in the essay. For example, a question that asks you to discuss, criticize or justify a point will require different information and examples than one that asks you to list or enumerate a set of causes/effects.
    3. Quickly jot down a few ideas/points you know you want to include and decide how you’re going to budget your time. Don’t waste a lot of time setting up a complex outline. If you have to write more than one essay, work so that you spend the bulk of your time and effort on the longest essay (or the one worth the most points).
    4. Don’t worry about long, varied introductory and conclusive paragraphs. In essay exams, time is precious, and usually you just want to get right into the main discussion. One way to be sure you’re addressing and introducing the topic you’re going to talk about is to rewrite the question you’re answering as your first or thesis sentence. For example, if the question is, “What role does nature play in Early American literature?” your first/thesis sentence could be, “Nature played several different roles in Early American literature, but it was especially used as…” You not only have set up the basic topic/introduction in one sentence, but you’ve immediately launched yourself into the essay. When you reach the end, you can restate your first few sentences to reinforce and cap the essay so it doesn’t just seem to stop. If you have time when you finish to go back and add more to the intro or conclusion, then you may choose to do so, but if you don’t have time, your essay will still be complete.
    5. Don’t leave anything unfinished. If you are running out of time and realize you will not be able to properly finish the exam, don’t just leave it incomplete. At the very least, sketch out what you would have done had you had enough time. Give a brief outline or use the remaining time to write a short paragraph saying what points you would like to give more time to. Some professors/readers will at least give partial credit for attempts to finish exams, but even if you are docked points for being incomplete, you will have a better chance at passing the exam as a whole because you didn’t just quit or leave bits unanswered.
    6. If at all possible, leave yourself at least five to ten minutes at the end of the exam period to read back through your essay looking for grammatical mistakes, format errors and/or places where you left out information you wanted to include. If you’re doing the essay by hand instead of typing on a computer, you may insert the information in the margins of the page and use carefully drawn arrows to show where it should be included. While most professors/readers understand that timed exams will have their fair share of errors due to the very nature of the exam, they are impressed by students who at least attempt to have a clean, edited piece at the end.

    Cutting Class Kills College Students – Read More

    As you go throughout the essay, remember to relax, breathe and not panic. Oftentimes, students will shoot themselves in the foot with text anxiety. They’ll get so bogged down in the very idea of taking an essay exam that they don’t even have time or a chance to worry about the material the exam is actually asking about. Since you know you’ll have to encounter essay exams at various points (like the ACT/SAT or GRE), it might make sense to go to those websites and take the various practice exams these organizations offer. This will not only help prepare you for these exams, but you can also count it as practice for when you start working in your classes.

    The author, Ms. Laura Holder, currently teaches at a medium-sized state university, where she is a candidate for a PhD in English.

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